Timetravel Fichtelgebirge - Erarbeitung eines multiperspektivischen XR-Kulturraumnarratives

Timetravel Fichtelgebirge

Die Vermittlung des regionalen identitätsstiftenden Narratives des Fichtelgebirges, der Heimatkultur, insbesondere die Vermittlung der Heimatkultur an die junge Generation und Schüler mittels zeitgemäßer und attraktiver digitaler Vermittlungsformate.

1. Konzeption, Design und Entwicklung einer multiperspektivischen Kultur- und Naturraumbezogenen Extended Reality (XR) Zeitreise zu identitätsstiftenden Orten, die Persönlichkeiten und materielle Identitätsanker der Region einbezieht. 

2. Einbettung der XR-Zeitreise in einen realen, interaktiven VR-Erlebnisraum im Fichtelgebirgsmuseum, in dem es gelingt durch Verknüpfung von Objekten und virtuellen Anwendungen niedrigschwellige Vermittlungsarbeit von Heimatkultur und regionaler Identität zu ermöglichen.

3. Erarbeitung eines mobilen Erlebnis-Tools („Timetravel“- to-go) zum Einsatz in Bildungseinrichtungen, an multifrequenten Orten und bei öffentlichkeitswirksamen Veranstaltungen, um für eine breiten Öffentlichkeit das digitale Kulturraumnarrativ inklusiv erlebbar zu machen.  

3D Scan des Stollens Goldkronach
3D Scan des Stollens Goldkronach
3D Scan
3D Scan einer historischen Münze

Interactive WebXR Hypertext Storytelling for Cultural Heritage

Zöllner, Michael; Gemeinhardt, Jan; Krause, Moritz (2024)

HUMAN '24: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext 2024, 7, S. 1-4.
DOI: 10.1145/3679058.3688635

Open Access Peer Reviewed

We are presenting our approach for interactive cultural heritage storytelling in WebXR. Therefore, we are describing our scenes’ structure consisting of (stylized) photospheres of the historic locations, 3D models of 3D-scanned historic artifacts and animated 2D textures of historic characters generated with a machine learning toolset. The result is a platform-independent web-application in an immersive interactive WebXR environment running in browsers on PCs, tablets, phones and XR headsets thanks to the underlying software based on the open-source framework A-Frame. Our pa- per describes the process, the results and the limitations in detail. The resulting application, designed for the Fichtelgebirge region in Upper Franconia, Germany, offers users an immersive digital time travel experience in the virtual space and within a museum setting connecting real artifacts and virtual stories.


WebXR Cultural Heritage Tour with Generative AI Characters

Zöllner, Michael; Gemeinhardt, Jan (2024)

GCH 2024 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2024.
DOI: 10.2312/gch.20241266

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Tablet computers like the iPad are user-friendly and reliable interaction devices for displaying XR content in museums. Although they are lacking the stereo view of a VR headset, they also avoid the hygiene, optics and usability challenges of head mounted displays in public spaces. In our paper we describe methods to improve the shortcomings of these devices: Placement, presentation and distracting branding. Our solution is a combination of a physical hanging system and custom designed acrylic cases disguising the hardware. In our example of an exhibition about a baroque architect the result is a series of floating baroque picture frames which users are grabbing and rotating to view into the XR scenes.


Shy Tech Floating Tablet Computers for Interaction with XR in Museums

Zöllner, Michael; Gemeinhardt, Jan; Krause, Moritz (2024)

GCH 2024 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2024.
DOI: 10.2312/gch.20241266

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Tablet computers like the iPad are user-friendly and reliable interaction devices for displaying XR content in museums. Although they are lacking the stereo view of a VR headset, they also avoid the hygiene, optics and usability challenges of head mounted displays in public spaces. In our paper we describe methods to improve the shortcomings of these devices: Placement, presentation and distracting branding. Our solution is a combination of a physical hanging system and custom designed acrylic cases disguising the hardware. In our example of an exhibition about a baroque architect the result is a series of floating baroque picture frames which users are grabbing and rotating to view into the XR scenes.




Jan Gemeinhardt
T +49 9281 409-6611


03.04.2023 - 03.08.2024

Adressierte SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)