Mother: An Integrated Approach to Hypertext Domains


The idea to associate information with so-called links was developed by hypertext pioneers in the 1960s. In the 1990s the Dexter Hypertext Reference Model was developed with the goal to provide a general model for node-link hypertext systems. In the 1990s and 2000s there were important steps made for hypertext infrastructures, which led to component-based open hypermedia systems (CB-OHS). In this paper we provide a detailed description of node-link structures. We argue that Dexter does not match the need of CB-OHS, as it supports a mix of multiple structure domains. Based on the implementation of link support in our system Mother we demonstrate how Dexter needs to be tailored accordingly. We further describe Mother's ability of node-link structures to interoperate with other available structure services and vice versa. mehr

Mehr zum Titel

Titel Mother: An Integrated Approach to Hypertext Domains
Medien Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '18)
Verlag ACM
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN ---
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Claus Atzenbeck, Daniel Roßner, Manolis Tzagarakis
Seiten 145–149
Veröffentlichungsdatum 03.07.2018
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Atzenbeck, Claus; Roßner, Daniel; Tzagarakis, Manolis (2018): Mother: An Integrated Approach to Hypertext Domains. Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '18), S. 145–149. DOI: 10.1145/3209542.3209570