Interactive Wiki for Special-purpose Machines


Machines in processing plants are frequently generating failures that must be manually fixed by the operators. Machines often lack advanced assistance systems for to address these failure cases. While some new developments try to use only machine data, in many applications, the human knowledge of the operators can be very useful. In this paper, we propose a new assistance system used to merge machine data with the operator’s knowledge. This system is tested with an industry partner. The test results are used to create design considerations, compare different reasoning algorithms, and check the influence on the machine downtime. more

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Titel Interactive Wiki for Special-purpose Machines
Medien Proceedings of CENTRIC 2020: The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
Verlag ---
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN 978-1-61208-829-7
Verfasser/Herausgeber Thomas Herpich, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk
Seiten S. 23-27
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2020-10-18
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Herpich, Thomas; Plenk, Valentin (2020): Interactive Wiki for Special-purpose Machines. Proceedings of CENTRIC 2020: The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services, S. S. 23-27.