Autonomous Driving 2019 - Driving Forces and Restrictions on the Way to Autonomous Driving from the Perspective of Drivers


The report shows how autonomous driving is assessed and how great the desire is to use it. The query of unsupported, open associations without specifications provides an insight into which drivers and obstructive factors currently exist. Quantitative evaluations allow differences in a variety of sub-target groups to be identified. It also provides insights into the psychological motivational structure of drivers and its connection to the desire for autonomous driving.The results can be used to derive indications of the need for action in the automotive and supplier industry to accelerate the diffusion process of the new technologies.

Mehr zum Titel

Titel Autonomous Driving 2019 - Driving Forces and Restrictions on the Way to Autonomous Driving from the Perspective of Drivers
Medien AccessMM Consumer Insights
Verlag Access Marketing Management e.V.
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN ---
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Joachim Riedl, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wengler
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2020-01-08
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Riedl, Joachim; Wengler, Stefan (2020): Autonomous Driving 2019 - Driving Forces and Restrictions on the Way to Autonomous Driving from the Perspective of Drivers. AccessMM Consumer Insights.