Manifesto for a Standard on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowledge Management Environments


Knowledge management (KM) instruments increasingly utilize social software applications which provide an opportunity to connect human and technology orientation to improve knowledge activities. Social systems, such as wikis, micro-blogs or organizational social networks, support several knowledge purposes, e.g., to create and develop knowledge. Even though knowing the context of knowledge creation is considered beneficial for re-using and developing knowledge, it is currently not well represented in such systems. So far, there is no standard to exchange information between diverse systems. To address this gap, we introduce a specification which allows for an activity stream-oriented perspective on knowledge to represent the creation context of knowledge as well as the exchange of information on knowledge activities between social systems. Our approach is based on existing standards to capture information in KM settings for the main entities knowledge activities, objects, context and people. We suggest extensions to take on the challenge of representing the vast variety of context resulting from the usage of many different kinds of (social) software and services.


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Manifesto for a Standard on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowledge Management Environments
Medien 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain; 09/2012
Verlag ---
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN ---
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. René Peinl, S. Thalmann, L. Hetmank, P. Kruse, Isabella Seeber, J. Pawlowski, M. Bick, R. Maier, Eric Schoop
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2012-09-10
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Peinl, René; Thalmann, S.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Seeber, Isabella; Pawlowski, J.; Bick, M.; Maier, R.; Schoop, Eric (2012): Manifesto for a Standard on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowledge Management Environments . 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain; 09/2012 .