Proxied Authentication in Single Sign-On Setups with common Open Source Systems


The paper presents results from an empirical study about the use of a single sign-on (SSO) system in an integrated open source system landscape for supporting team collaboration. A portal solution, enterprise content man-agement system, groupware, business process management and enterprise search engine are used. The investigation shows that although it is easy to achieve SSO with the Web-based user interfaces of the information systems used, none of the systems was prepared to pass authentication tokens to the API of an integrated system or accept SSO tokens instead of username / password pairs for authentication against the API respectively. Different al-ternatives for achieving the desired functionality are presented and a recom-mendation for improvement of the affected information systems is derived.

Mehr zum Titel

Titel Proxied Authentication in Single Sign-On Setups with common Open Source Systems
Medien Open Identity Summit 2015, Berlin 11/2015
Verlag ---
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Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. René Peinl, F. Holzschuher
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2015-11-02
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Peinl, René; Holzschuher, F. (2015): Proxied Authentication in Single Sign-On Setups with common Open Source Systems. Open Identity Summit 2015, Berlin 11/2015.