Proceedings of the 1st International Research Colloquium


Due to the rising energy prices energy efficient heating systems become more and more attractive. Next to the energy consumption the comfort is a very
important criterion. Conditioned by these requirements the number of panel heating systems will increase in the future. To comply with the customer request
infrared (IR) radiation is suitable, because of the reduced dust emergence and noise emission in comparison to standard heaters. Infrared heating systems are
beneficial to health and create a “feel-good” climate. Based on these aspects a ZIM-supported project was initiated to develop an innovative textile heating
system using carbon nanotubes (CNT), which emit infrared radiation


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Proceedings of the 1st International Research Colloquium
Medien Hofer Akademische Schriften (ungezählt)
Verlag ---
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN ISBN 978-3-935565-37-0
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2015-11-30
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Plenk, Valentin (2015): Proceedings of the 1st International Research Colloquium. Hofer Akademische Schriften (ungezählt).