Preliminary studies of measuring skateboarding forces by combining inertial sensors and camera-based pose estimation.


Understanding acceleration forces and making progress in learning Skateboarding is a process of trial and error. In our paper we are describing our preliminary experiments for describing the complex interactions while pushing for speed in ramps and pump tracks. Therefore, we capture and visualize the body movement, the joint relations from hip to ankle and the resulting forces by joining iner- tial sensors on the skateboard and camera-based machine learning pose estimation of the athlete.


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Preliminary studies of measuring skateboarding forces by combining inertial sensors and camera-based pose estimation.
Medien iWOAR 2023 - 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Verlag ACM
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN 979-8-4007-0816-9
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Michael Zöllner, Moritz Krause
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2023-09-21
Projekttitel M4-SKI
Zitation Zöllner, Michael; Krause, Moritz (2023): Preliminary studies of measuring skateboarding forces by combining inertial sensors and camera-based pose estimation.. iWOAR 2023 - 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. DOI: 10.1145/3615834.3615856