Studies on the Human-Machine-Interface in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards Autonomous Driving


This book summarizes studies conducted by the Empirical Research and User Experience (ERUX) research group at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University of Applied Sciences over the period 2019 to 2022. The main topic focuses on “The Human-Machine-Interface in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards Autonomous Driving”, investigated using the example of automatic parking assistant in cars. A broad spectrum of methods was used to ensure comprehensive analyses and valid results. Starting situation for the studies has been the industry's realization that the demand for parking assistants had fallen short of expectations. Moreover, they concluded that a host of driving assistant system owners´ do not use them. This indicates an unsatisfactory acceptance of new technologies on the part of car drivers. The aim of the studies was therefore to determine the reasons for this restraint, as well as to derive measures to increase acceptance of this systems among end customers.

The first study focused on operators and the restraint of German drivers towards driver assistance systems. The results of this quantitative study displayed that although the modernity of these systems has been identified, the functional enhancements they offer are insufficient. In order to overcome this discrepancy, manufacturers are advised to emphasize the functional advantages more strongly when communication with the end customer. Study also suggested that direct experience can significantly increase customers' willingness to purchase such a system. Therefore, it is of pivotal importance to introduce customers to the new technologies in a targeted manner.

Using conjoint measurement, a second study illustrates driver assistance systems already representing a significant benefit when purchasing a car, even though the trust in fully autonomous vehicles is still restricted. Drivers favor established car manufacturer in terms of the development of autonomous vehicles. The third study utilizes eye-tracking to examine operating patterns of parking assistance systems. Moreover, it derives potential for improvement in terms of intuitive design and user experience. Fourthly, alternative scenarios for the design of parking assistants are evaluated in a concept test. This indicated the vital importance of simple and acquainted operating options.

Across all methods, the customer actually being able to experience driving assistance systems is a decisive matter for the acceptance of these new technologies. Therefore, manufacturers should emphasize their focus on getting customers in touch with these systems, as well as offering them targeted usage options. In addition, the integration of customer feedback into development efforts is essential to produce intuitive, user-friendly user interfaces and thus promote the diffusion process of new technologies.


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Studies on the Human-Machine-Interface in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards Autonomous Driving
Medien User Acceptance Research
Verlag Hochschule Hof
Heft ---
Band 1
ISBN 978-3-935565-40-0
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Joachim Riedl, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wengler, Marcin Czaban, Simon Steudtel, Sarah Victoria Mohr
Seiten 1-128
Veröffentlichungsdatum 09.01.2024
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Riedl, Joachim; Wengler, Stefan; Czaban, Marcin; Steudtel, Simon; Mohr, Sarah Victoria (2024): Studies on the Human-Machine-Interface in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems towards Autonomous Driving. User Acceptance Research 1, S. 1-128. DOI: 10.57944/1051-147