Fick, Robin; Knopp, Julian; Honke, Robert; Plessing, Tobias (2025)
International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation (IJEPR) 2025 /13, S. 18-28.
DOI: 10.11159/ijepr.2025.003
This paper investigates the practical implementation of models in the energy management of buildings for complex user behavior and the use of multiple heating technologies, focusing on the development of an accurate yet efficient model. The study is exemplified by the new Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology building at Hof University of Applied Sciences, designed as a research platform for innovative energy solutions. We address the integration of shading strategies and the subsequent model order reduction necessary for effective Model Predictive Control application. The research involves creating a simplified resistance-capacitance model of the building's thermal zones, including its heating systems and a dual façade with solar thermal collectors. This simplified model, generated using the BRCM Toolbox and validated against a detailed EnergyPlus model, accounts for dynamic discrepancies, particularly during periods of high solar radiation. Optimization techniques are applied to the simplified model across different seasons, revealing that season-specific optimizations are more effective for long-term simulations, while a combined optimization approach is suitable for short-term and year-round MPC applications. The results underscore the potential of advanced MPC strategies to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability in complex building systems with multiple renewable energy sources.
Fick, Robin; Honke, Robert; Brüggemann, Dieter (2024)
Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage and Systems Conference (IRES 2023) 2024, S. 118-131.
DOI: 10.2991/978-94-6463-455-6_13
Mid-sized thermal energy storage (TES) systems, especially in the distributed sector, have received little attention for public buildings. Validation of such systems, especially for the use of multiple renewables with different operating modes using CFD simulations, is still pending. The objective of this study is to validate a CFD model for the operation of complex and mid-sized TES systems for simultaneous charging and discharging cycles to enable investigations on optimized operating modes, geometric optimizations, and predictive charging and discharging scenarios. For this purpose, the 60 m3 local heating storage of Großbardorf, Germany, was used to obtain real-time operating conditions and in-situ temperature distribution data. Charging and discharging cycles as well as combined scenarios were calculated and compared with the experimentally determined dynamics of the thermocline. Simulations were performed using the open-source tool OpenFOAM® with the single-phase transient solver buoyantPimpleFoam in laminar and turbulent modes, including ambient heat losses. Good agreement was found between simulated and experimental data, especially in the regions of layer transitions with a RMSE of 1.2 ℃ or less over the entire observation period. It is shown how the validation allows further improvements and optimizations of TES with greater confidence. In particular, for research on the efficient use of multiple, fluctuating renewable energies and the increase of self-sufficiency in the decentralized sector, a demand-optimized charging and discharging layout is presented for a mid-sized TES to be installed at the new Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences. By conducting research in facilities such as the iwe, this approach will not only create opportunities for the future deployment of renewable energy storage and related systems, but also highlight the importance of decarbonization in the decentralized sector.
Schnabel, Tobias; Honke, Robert; Schmid, Andreas; Mehling, Simon; Göhring, René; Wolfram, Axel; Springer, Christian (2023)
Schnabel, Tobias; Honke, Robert; Schmid, Andreas; Mehling, Simon; Göhring, René...
2023, e00487 (16).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2023.e00487
Pedro, J.; Arteiro, A.; Honke, Robert; Karch, Christian (2023)
2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, S. 1-6.
DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope57790.2023.10274346
Thüroff, Johannes; Fick, Robin; Honke, Robert (2023)
Industrial Crops & Products 201, 116920.
DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.116920
Honke, Robert; Karch, Christian (2022)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Madrid, Spain. .
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7089982
Plessing, Tobias; Fick, Robin; Honke, Robert (2022)
RET.Con 2022 Tagungsband 2022 (5), S. S. 82-93.
An der Hochschule Hof wird derzeit ein neues Gebäude für das Institut für Wasser- und Energiemanagement gebaut (Fertigstellung 2023). Die Zielsetzung, das Gebäude möglichst vollständig mit Erneuerbaren Energien zu versorgen, wurde bereits frühzeitig in die Ausschreibung und später in die Architektur integriert. So kann eine Plattform für zukünftige Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten im Bereich der Gebäudeversorgung, -Regelung und -Optimierung dezentraler Konzepte geschaffen und als Vorzeigeobjekt der Allgemeinheit präsentiert werden. Das energetische Versorgungskonzept
beinhaltet neben thermischer Anlagentechnik (Solarthermie, Luft/Wasser- und Sole/Wasser-Wärmepumpen) auch elektrische Komponenten, wie Photovoltaik, Windkraft und gekoppelte photovoltaisch-thermische Lösungen. Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte, wie die Sektorenkopplung des elektrischen Eigenverbrauchs mittels Wärmepumpen, tragen ebenso wie die Verwendung eines großen thermischen Schichtenspeichers (ca. 157 m³) mit anwendungsoptimierten Einströmgeometrien zur effizienteren Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energien bei. Ein Batteriespeicher und zwei externe Eisspeicher dienen sowohl Forschungszwecken, als auch zur Steigerung der Versorgungssicherheit. Es wird die energetische Kopplung des energieintensiven Laborbetriebs mit dem Gesamtsystem vorgestellt, durch welche forschungsseitige Wärme- und Kältebedarfe und Bereitstellung thermischer bzw. elektrischer Energie aus Brennstoffzellen-, Blockheizkraft- und Brennerversuchsständen optimal verquickt werden können.
Sharma, Tushar; Honke, Robert; Plessing, Tobias (2021)
Mahanta, P., Kalita, P., Paul, A., Banerjee, A. (eds), Advances in Thermofluids and Renewable Energy. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer , Heidelberg.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-3497-0_46
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Plessing, Tobias; Heinrich, Maximilian (2020)
Young Academics Conference, Zittau/Görlitz, 2020.
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Wünning, Joachim Alfred; Plessing, Tobias; Jess, Andreas (2019)
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Wünning, Joachim Alfred; Plessing, Tobias...
Special Issue: Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology/Integration of Sustainable Energy 42 (9), S. S. 1895-1906.
Thermal gasification of biomass is known for its capabilities in flexible and decentral power station applications for cogeneration. However, the product gas contains tar compounds adversely for a stable operation. Integrated tar adsorption in a subsequent cooled section is therefore an option to reduce the tar pollution. The char coal, used here as adsorption agent, is formed by biomass pyrolysis in the gasifier. A kinetic model is proposed, considering the kinetics of all main reactions as well as heat and mass transport phenomena. Results are presented for axial temperature profiles, gas compositions, and the gas purity at different air-to-fuel ratios. The resulting output mass flows could indicate a requirement on the adsorption capacity of at least 0.3 g g−1 for the activated char coal.
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Wünning, Joachim Alfred; Plessing, Tobias; Jess, Andreas (2018)
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Wünning, Joachim Alfred; Plessing, Tobias...
Biomass to Power and Heat, Zittau, 2018 .
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Plessing, Tobias; Jess, Andreas (2018)
Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik, Würzburg, 2018.
Forschungsgruppe Systemsimulation (sys)
Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1
95028 Hof
T +49 9281 409-4620 robert.honke[at]