Energy Efficiency Analysis in Industry 4.0 set up leveraging Industry 5.0 methods for Sustainable Manufacturing: Case Study


This study explores the integration of Industry 5.0 principles into existing Industry 4.0 configurations to address excessive heat dissipation, energy efficiency and promote carbon neutral manufacturing. Industry 5.0 represents a paradigm shift, emphasizing human-centered approaches, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability alongside traditional productivity goals. The case study analyzes energy consumption in an Industry 4.0 setup, quantifies heat waste and applies innovative solutions to optimize energy use. Considering digital manufacturing through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), big data analytics, smart automation technologies in cyber-physical production systems and sustainable practices, the study aims to mitigate and minimize energy waste and carbon emissions. Through quantitative analysis, it identified energy inputs, mapped energy transformations, and assessed energy waste hotspots. Despite all the benefits of Industry 4.0, it showed that responsible practices and new initiatives are required to reuse and capitalize on that wasted energy or heat, underscoring the importance of integrating Industry 5.0 principles for sustainable manufacturing.


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Energy Efficiency Analysis in Industry 4.0 set up leveraging Industry 5.0 methods for Sustainable Manufacturing: Case Study
Medien Procedia Computer Science
Heft ---
Band 253
ISBN 1877-0509
Verfasser/Herausgeber Shantall Marucia Cisneros Saldana, Prof. Dr. Heike Markus, Sampat Acharya, Arshit Kapoor
Seiten 594-602
Veröffentlichungsdatum 25.02.2025
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Cisneros Saldana, Shantall Marucia; Markus, Heike; Acharya, Sampat; Kapoor, Arshit (2025): Energy Efficiency Analysis in Industry 4.0 set up leveraging Industry 5.0 methods for Sustainable Manufacturing: Case Study. Procedia Computer Science 253, S. 594-602. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2025.01.121.