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Development and implementation of Industry 4.0 scenarios in a virtual and collaborative teaching environment

Markus, Heike; Patole, Aditya Arjun (2021)

Conference Paper – DACH Conference SAP UCC / TUM, S. 95-106.
DOI: 10.14459/2021md1622154

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have led organizations to adopt technology-driven approaches in various business segments. Integrated environments in organizations mandate the requirement of having in-depth knowledge of process, data and technology integration. This is also a requirement for organizations to develop towards sustainability, as data-driven business models can help to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Hence, universities have to provide skills in Industry 4.0 and in developing integrated systems across companies. Furthermore, online learning methods are required to prepare students for distributed teams in global industries. Consequently, you need a holistic approach to teach integrated thinking and working in distributed teams at the same time. The problems addressed by this paper are how to teach complex and heterogeneous aspects of Industry 4.0 concepts and how to integrate data-driven business processes. The paper describes didactic solutions with reduced complexity in a fictitious company to understand interrelationships between business segments in end-to-end processes. A virtual teaching concept encourages the exchange between students in distributed teams. Empirical runs of the concept show that students develop own approaches, learn to estimate the complexity of integrated systems and develop practical skills to find suitable solutions in a value-adding network. 


International Teaching and Research in Hypertext

Atzenbeck, Claus; Cheong, Jaesook (2021)

Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'21), S. 271–276.
DOI: 10.1145/3465336.3475124

Open Access Peer Reviewed

This paper presents a way for the hypertext community to gain strength and contribute to other fields of research by joining forces. It discusses the challenges that need to be addressed with respect to geographically scattered students and scholars, interdisciplinary courses, and students with various foreknowledge. We propose the INTR/HT project, a platform that aims for bringing hypertext scholars and students together worldwide. The interdisciplinary approach fosters creativity in the context of hypertext and is valuable for educating and supporting the next generation of hypertext scholars and researchers.


Demonstration of Weblinks: A Rich Linking Layer Over the Web

Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus (2021)

Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'21), S. 283–286.
DOI: 10.1145/3465336.3475123

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Modern browsers, as we know them from the Web, are used to query and present a variety of different resources. This usually happens by traversing links (i.e., URIs) in hypertext documents. The creation of new links however, is impossible to ordinary users, because they usually are recipients, but not owners of the received resource. In this paper, we demonstrate a browser plugin called "Weblinks", which offers its users an additional and rich linking layer over the existing Web. This enhances the notion of links as strings (i.e., URIs) in today's Web context to links as rich objects (n-ary, unidirectional, or bidirectional), which can be created, traversed or shared by anyone using the Weblinks browser plugin.


Spatial Layout Versus List Layout: A Comparative Study

Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus; Gross, Tom (2021)

Proceedings of the 18th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'21) 12936, S. 495–498.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85607-6_65

Peer Reviewed

Information retrieval systems support users in finding relevant information in data sets. List layouts are wide-spread, but spatial layouts are catching up. User studies that systematically show their benefits for users are missing. We report on a comparative between-subject study with 43 participants comparing a spatial layout with a list layout. One group performed a task with a system providing semantic visualization, and the other group performed the same task with a system without semantic visualization. The results show that the users of the spatial layout had significantly more interaction with the system in shorter time, with a slightly higher outcome and higher satisfaction.


Mediaplanung, Programmatic Advertising und KI.

Wagener, Andreas (2021)

dpr – Digital Publishing Report, Sonderheft KI & Publishing, 24.08.2021, S. S. 56-59.

Open Access

Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen verändern die Bedingungen für Mediaplanung nachhaltig. Das wirkt sich gerade auch auf das Daten basierte Programmatic Advertising aus.


COVID-19-Impfung bei Kindern: Was müssen Ärzte rechtlich beachten?

Finn, Markus (2021)

Pädiatrie 2021 33, S. 58-59.


Auch Minderjährige können nun gegen COVID-19 geimpft werden. Was müssen Ärzte bei der Indikationsstellung beachten? Welche Besonderheiten gelten bei Aufklärung und Einwilligung? Und was passiert, wenn Eltern und Kind unterschiedlicher Meinung über die Impfung sind?

Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN '21)

Rubart, Jessica; Atzenbeck, Claus (2021)

32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'21).
DOI: 10.1145/3468143

Peer Reviewed

Human Factors in Hypertext 2021 (HUMAN'21) is the 4th workshop in this series. It is sponsored by ACM SIGWEB and is associated to the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2021, which took place between August 30th and September 2nd as a virtual event. HUMAN'21 took place on August 30th-the conference's workshop day. This year's workshop is held in a difficult time: the global Corona pandemic makes attending meetings or traveling risky for our health. It almost seems as a contradiction to the 2019 ACM Hypertext motto "tear down the wall". However, today's digital media enables us to communicate over distance or even attend larger meetings online. This also opens the question about the role of hypertext as a medium for communication-a perfect topic match for the HUMAN workshop series, which has a user-centric focus on hypertext. The user-centric view not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart's "augmenting human intellect" or Frank Halasz' "hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication") can improve today's hypertext systems. As such, the HUMAN workshop also appreciates previous work on hypertext systems. In order to support this, we invite researchers to give demos of vintage hypertext systems. Last year we started with Norman Meyrowitz presenting Intermedia; this year Mark Anderson has been invited to give a demo of Microcosm.


Digitalisierung als Kernelement zukünftiger Wasserstrategien - worauf kommt es an?

Müller-Czygan, Günter; Tarasyuk, Viktoriya; Wagner, Christian; Wimmer, Manuela (2021)

Energie Wasser-Praxis, Ausgabe 08/2021 72 (8).

Teil III eLearning-Serie: VR- und AR-Lösungen: Komplexes visualisieren

Wolff, Dietmar (2021)

Altenheim 8/2021, S. S. 8.


Teil III eLearning-Serie: VR- und AR-Lösungen: Komplexes visualisieren

Wolff, Dietmar; Ferfers-Heinold, Sina (2021)

Altenheim 8/2021 2021, S. 8.

Corporate spin-offs’ success factors: management lessons from a comparative empirical analysis with research-based spin-offs

Helm, Roland; Pöhlmann, Kendra; Mauroner, Oliver; Auburger, Julia (2021)

Review of Managerial Science 15, S. 1767–1796.
DOI: 10.1007/s11846-020-00402-3

Peer Reviewed

Are the success factors of Research-based spin-offs (RBSO) transferable to the context of Corporate spin-offs (CSO)? We posit that certain success factors are independent from the spin-off’s institutional background and are viable for both types of ventures. This study provides comparative, comprehensive and concrete evidence on the performance of both types of entrepreneurial venturing. Our comparative approach, taking in RBSOs and CSOs at the same time, contains a comprehensive set of success factors and provides concrete results in the form of management lessons for spin-offs in general. We apply logistic regression and non-parametric propensity score matching and use data from a RBSO sample and a CSO sample from Germany. We find that factors such as age, starting size, the introduction of regional and national market novelties as well as business contacts with the parent are success factors for both kinds of spin-offs and therefore highly relevant for both types, independent of the context from which they emanate. 


Synthesising augmentation and automation

Atzenbeck, Claus; Nürnberg, Peter; Roßner, Daniel (2021)

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 27 (1–2), S. 177–203.
DOI: 10.1080/13614568.2021.1942237

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Historically, there has been a tendency to consider hypertext as a type of system, perhaps characterised by provision of links or other structure to users. In this article, we consider hypertext as a method of inquiry, a way of viewing arbitrary systems. In this view, what are traditionally called “navigational hypertext systems” might be considered as information retrieval systems. This opens the hypertext field to various other types of systems that traditionally would not be considered as part of the field. The change of view enables a deeper fusion of human and machine. In particular, today's AI-based, intelligent systems open the demand of synthesising automation (on the machine's side) and augmentation (on the user's side). This article is not about researching AI systems; it is about extending the view of hypertext systems to synthesise augmentation and automation. We specifically apply this view to intelligent systems, asking the question about how hypertext can act as a common medium between human and machine, particularly for knowledge intensive tasks. We propose spatial hypertext as a medium that enables users to create cognitive maps. Along these lines, we provide examples from multiple projects and examine how these applications can be productive.


Technical Lag in OSS Integration

Weber, Thomas; Peinl, René (2021)

World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering & Applied Computing (CSCE‘21).

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Software integration, especially in Open Source Software (OSS), suffers from technical debt as software evolves over time. Evolvement often ends in incompatibility issues like changed or removed APIs. The problems increase, as more components need to be integrated. This article analyzes common problems in OSS integration with respect to technical debt esp. externally induced technical debt and collects empirical evidence from the case study "AMiProSI" which combines different functions of various OSS systems to create a unified intranet solution. As part of the analysis, this paper discusses component-based development and its related dependencies and explains related technical debt (TD). By bringing down the individual problems in sub-categories of technical debt, we show what kind of TD has arisen in our case study AMiProSI and give advice on how this could be prevented in other projects.


Teil II eLearning-Serie: Die Vorteile hybrider Lernformen

Wolff, Dietmar (2021)

Altenheim 7/2021, S. S. 8.


Teil II eLearning-Serie: Die Vorteile hybrider Lernformen

Wolff, Dietmar; Ferfers-Heinold, Sina (2021)

Altenheim 7/2021 2021, S. 8.

Comparison of a pediatric practice-based therapy and an interdisciplinary ambulatory treatment in social pediatric centers for migraine in children: a nation-wide randomized-controlled trial in Germany: “moma – modules on migraine activity”

Heinen, Florian; Gerstl, Lucia; Kainz, Christine; Ruscheweyh, Ruth; Straube, Andreas...

BMC Pediatrics 2021 (294).


Migraine is common in childhood, peaks in adolescents and persists into adulthood in at least 40% of patients. There is need for early interventions to improve the burden of disease and, if possible, reduce chronification. The aim of the project is to compare two types of ambulatory treatment strategies regarding their effect on headache days and quality of life in 6 to 11 year old children with migraine: 1) the routine care in pediatricians’ practices (intervention group A) and 2) a structured interdisciplinary multimodal intervention administered at social pediatric centers (intervention group B).

Corona-Impfung bei Kindern: Was ist rechtlich zu beachten? (Gastbeitrag)

Finn, Markus (2021)

Ärzte Zeitung, S. 6.


Auch Minderjährige können nun gegen COVID-19 geimpft werden. Was müssen Ärzte bei Aufklärung und Einwilligung beachten? Und was passiert, wenn Eltern und Kinder unterschiedlicher Meinung über die Impfung sind? Gastautor Professor Markus Finn gibt eine juristische Einschätzung.

Talkrunde Künstliche Intelligenz und Mediation

Wolff, Dietmar (2021)

Mediation DACH, Round Table Mediation und Konfliktmanagement der Deutschen Wirtschaft und


Digitalisierung – Fluch oder Segen

Wolff, Dietmar (2021)


HUI-Audio-Corpus-German: A high quality TTS dataset

Puchtler, Pascal; Wirth, Johannes; Peinl, René (2021)

44th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI2021).

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The increasing availability of audio data on the internet lead to a multitude of datasets for development and training of text to speech applications, based on neural networks. Highly differing quality of voice, low sampling rates, lack of text normalization and disadvantageous alignment of audio samples to corresponding transcript sentences still limit the performance of deep neural networks trained on this task. Additionally, data resources in languages like German are still very limited. We introduce the "HUI-Audio-Corpus-German", a large, open-source dataset for TTS engines, created with a processing pipeline, which produces high quality audio to transcription alignments and decreases manual effort needed for creation.


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