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Gesundheitsförderung an Schulen für Pflegeberufe

Drossel, Matthias (2014)

ProCare 19 (1-2).
DOI: 10.1007/s00735-014-0239-y

Peer Reviewed

PoliTwi: Early Detection of Emerging Political Topics on Twitter and the Impact on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis

Rill, Sven; Reinel, Dirk; Scheidt, Jörg; Zicari, Roberto V. (2014)

Knowledge-Based Systems 2014.
DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.05.008

Open Access

In this work, we present a system called PoliTwi, which was designed to detect emerging political topics (Top Topics) in Twitter sooner than other standard information channels. The recognized Top Topics are shared via different channels with the wider public. For the analysis, we have collected about 4,000,000 tweets before and during the parliamentary election 2013 in Germany, from April until September 2013. It is shown, that new topics appearing in Twitter can be detected right after their occurrence. Moreover, we have compared our results to Google Trends. We observed that the topics emerged earlier in Twitter than in Google Trends.

Finally, we show how these topics can be used to extend existing knowledge bases (web ontologies or semantic networks) which are required for concept-level sentiment analysis. For this, we utilized special Twitter hashtags, called sentiment hashtags, used by the German community during the parliamentary election.


Bürokratieentlastung im sozialen Sektor

Wolff, Dietmar (2014)

AWV-Informationen, 01/2014.


Kontingenz und Ambivalenz. Am Beispiel des bioethischen Diskurses zur Stammzellenforschung in Deutschland

Stark, Carsten (2014)

Kontingenz und Ambivalenz. Am Beispiel des bioethischen Diskurses zur Stammzellenforschung in Deutschland. Springer VS: Wiesbaden 2014.

Peer Reviewed

Hermeneutik in der kompetenzorientierten Polizeiausbildung

Stark, Carsten (2014)

in: PSP (Heft 4), S. 45-48.

Personalwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen zur Korruptionsprävention: Das Beispiel Integritätstest

Stark, Carsten (2014)

in: Der Öffentliche Dienst (Heft 2), S. 25-36.

Die Verwaltung als Moderator. Zur semantischen Beschreibung eines Funktionswandels moderner Staatlichkeit

Stark, Carsten (2014)

in: Schweitzer, Hartmut (Hrsg.), Bürgerkommune. Bürgerbeteiligung, bürgerschaftliches Engagement und kommunale Genehmigungsverfahren. Reihe Verwaltungssoziologie Band 3, BoD: Norderstedt, S. 11-38.

Peer Reviewed

Approaches and challenges for a SSO enabled extranet using Jasig CAS

Holzschuher, F.; Peinl, René (2013)

Open Identity Summit 2013, Kloster Banz, Germany .

Open Access

In this paper we describe our experiences with setting up a single signon enabled intranet with open source software and then making it accessible over the internet using a reverse proxy. During this process, we encounter several issues. We describe those, discuss possible solutions and present our final setup.


Evaluation of an Algorithm for Aspect-Based Opinion Mining Using a Lexicon-Based Approach

Wogenstein, Florian; Drescher, Johannes; Reinel, Dirk; Rill, Sven (2013)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM). ACM 2013, 5, S. 1-8.
DOI: DOI: 10.1145/2502069.2502074

Open Access

In this paper, we present a study of aspect-based opinion mining using a lexicon-based approach. We use a phrase-based opinion lexicon for the German language to investigate, how good strong positive and strong negative expressions of opinions, concerning products and services in the insurance domain, can be detected. We perform experiments on hand-tagged statements expressing opinions retrieved from the Ciao platform. The initial corpus contained about 14,000 sentences from 1,600 reviews. For both, positive and negative statements, more than 100 sentences were tagged. We show, that the algorithm can reach an accuracy of 62.2% for positive, but only 14.8% for negative utterances of opinions. We examine the cases, in which the opinion could not correctly be detected or in which the linking between the opinion statement and the aspect fails. Especially, the large gap in accuracy between positive and negative utterances is analysed.


Big Data, Analytics und Cloud - Begriff, Technologien und Perspektiven

Sultanow, E.; Peinl, René (2013)

NEW Solutions. 07/2013; 2013(06-07) NEW SOLUTIONS A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, S. 12-19.


Recht und Nachhaltigkeit: Von der politischen Strategie in den Unternehmensalltag

Recht im Dialog, Gedächtnisschrift für Rainer Wörlen, Baden-Baden 2013 2013, S. 341-356.


Von der politischen Strategie in den Unternehmensalltag

Weber, Beatrix (2013)

Recht im Dialog, Gedächtnisschrift für Rainer Wörlen, Baden-Baden 2013 2013, S. 341-356.


Drei eherne Regeln für das Projektmanagement

Wolff, Dietmar (2013)

SOZIALwirtschaft aktuell 22/2013.


TouchStory: combining hyperfiction and multitouch

Atzenbeck, Claus; Bernstein, Mark; Al-Shafey, Marwa Ali; Mason, Stacey (2013)

Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'13), S. 189–195.
DOI: 10.1145/2481492.2481515

Open Access Peer Reviewed

As multitouch phones and tablets become more popular, multitouch technologies receive increasing attention. The underlying interaction paradigm of such devices is the space on which objects are manipulated by the user's fingertips. It is natural that hypertext narratives find their way from primarily mouse-driven interaction to spatial structures and visually rich presentations. In this article we propose three features for multitouch hypertext narrative applications: (i) Native multitouch support and direct manipulations of fictive objects; (ii) using the space as a structuring mechanism rather than a means for presentation; and (iii) supporting presentation of visually rich objects. Our prototype, TouchStory, is a novel tool specialized for authoring and reading hypertext narratives that integrates these features.


Soziale Arbeit ist mobile Arbeit – Mehr Qualität und Effizienz durch Tablets und Smartphones?

Wolff, Dietmar (2013)

ConSozial Congress des Sozialmarktes, Nürnberg 2013.


Abrechnungsverfahren zwischen Leistungsträgern in der Pflege und Krankenkassen für Leistungen nach SGB V und SGB XI

Wolff, Dietmar (2013)

AWV Sitzung des Arbeitskreises 1.6 „Entbürokratisierung des Dritten Sektors und des bürgerlichen Engagements“, Berlin 2013.


Wie viel ‚mobil‘ darf/muss es denn sein? Können Smartphones und Tablets unsere Arbeit erleichtern oder werden sie immer mehr zur Belastung?

Wolff, Dietmar (2013)

logiway IT-Forum 2013 für EDV-Verantwortliche der Kirchen, Augsburg 2013.


E‐Health in der Pflege – Ergebnisse der Workshops des bvitg in Kooperation mit FINSOZ und VDAB

Mittelstaedt, E.; Wolff, Dietmar; Schülke, P. (2013)

Positionspapier bvitg/FINSOZ/VDAB, Berlin 2013.


Anforderungen an E-Healthanwendungen für eine vernetze und intersektorale Versorgung aus der Perspektive der Pflege

Mittelstaedt, E.; Wolff, Dietmar; Schülke, P. (2013)

Konsolidierungsworkshop conhIT, Berlin 2013.


Neue Chance für die IT – vom Dokumentationserschwerer zum Kennzahlenlieferant

Wolff, Dietmar (2013)

SOCIAL Line group und hapec Fachtag Sozialwirtschaft, Hof 2013.


Forschung und Entwicklung

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof

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