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Aktuelle Herausforderung und Erfolgsfaktoren für eine effiziente Media- und Marketing-Planung in Verlagen

Wagener, Andreas (2012)

Tagung der Marketingleiter in Publikumsverlagen/Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, Stuttgart, 11.05.2012.


Wertbeitrag der IT in der Pflegewirtschaft - Heutiger Stand und KOnzepte für Morgen

Wolff, Dietmar (2012)

GeniAAL leben Forum "Zukunftsmodelle für Wohnen und Gesundheit", Hannover 2012.


Wertbeitrag der IT im Allgemeinen und einer Plattformstrategie im Besonderen zum Unternehmenserfolg sozialer Einrichtungen

Wolff, Dietmar (2012)

SAP-Forum Public Services 2012 Verwaltung Gesundheit Pflege Forschung Lehre, Mannheim 2012.


Produktunabhängie Office-Anbindung in sozialwirtschaftlichen Fachanwendungen

Wolff, Dietmar (2012)

FINSOZ Forum "Office-Anwendungen in der Sozialwirtschaft", Münster 2012..


Softwaresysteme in der Pflegewirtschaft - Heute und Morgen

Wolff, Dietmar (2012)

GeniAAL leben Forum "Assistenzsysteme in der Pflegewirtschaft", Oldenburg 2012.


Manifesto for a Standard on Meaningful Representations of Knowledge in Social Knowledge Management Environments

Bick, M.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Maier, R.; Pawlowski, J.; Peinl, René...

Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2012; 01/2012 .

Open Access

Knowledge Management [31] is a social activity. More and more organizations use social software as a tool to bridge the gap between technology- and human-oriented KM. In order to create interoperable, transferable solutions, it is necessary to utilize standards. In this paper, we analyze which standards can be applied and which gaps currently exist. We present the concept of knowledge bundles, capturing information on knowledge objects, activities and people as a prerequisite for social-focused KM. Based on our concept and examples, we derive the strong need for standardization in this domain. As a manifesto this paper tries to stimulate discussion and initiating a broad initiative working towards a common standard for the next generation of knowledge management systems. Our manifesto provides with eight recommendations how the KM community should act to address future challenges.


Die Tribalisierung der Mediengesellschaft.

Wagener, Andreas (2011)

Web-TV-Interview von auf der dmexco 2011,, Köln, 21.09.2011.


Content getriebene Online-Marketingstrategien im Social Web. Wie lässt sich sicherstellen, dass Content im Social Web die anvisierte Zielgruppe erreicht?,

Wagener, Andreas (2011)

Mailingtage 2011, Nürnberg, 08.06.2011.


The Migraine Radar - A Medical Study Analyzing Twitter Messages?

Reinel, Dirk; Rill, Sven; Scheidt, Jörg; Wogenstein, Florian (2011)

The First International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management 2011, S. 103-106.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

This paper discusses the work in progress of the ”Migraine Radar” project. The purpose of the project is to validate or disprove the assumed correlation between migraine attacks and weather conditions, especially weather changes. There have been various medical studies on this topic, but the correlation could not be proved with sufficient statistical significance so far. Furthermore, the results of some of the studies are contradictory. For this study, data from the microblogging platform Twitter will be analyzed. Twitter messages (”tweets”) announcing currently or recently happened migraine attacks are retrieved using the Twitter API (Search-API, REST-API - Standard APIs provided by Twitter to retrieve tweet and user data). Weather data from weather information services are linked to the tweets, using the location information from Twitter. For the German language area, the results will be compared with the results obtained from a set of migraine announcements collected with the help of a web form in the same period of time. First statistics indicate that the number of migraine attacks announced in Twitter exceeds the number of cases in former classical studies by far. The project offers a wide range of possibilities to analyze Twitter messages with regard to migraine attacks. Beside the main purpose, it is also possible to analyze the distribution of migraine attacks over the weekdays or over the seasons. Furthermore an investigation of the spatial distribution of migraine attacks is possible. Instead of weather data, other information can be linked to the migraine sample as well. One example could be air pollution data.

Multi-Channel Marketing”, SIPA Munich 2011 − Business-Building Secrets for Specialized Information Publishers

Wagener, Andreas (2011)

Paneldiskussion SIPA (Special Interest Publisher’s Association) / Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, München, 07.04.2011.


Social Media und die Tribalisierung der Zielgruppen: Wir brauchen Häuptlinge!

Wagener, Andreas (2011)

media-TREFF. Dialog in der B2B-Kommunikation, Sonderausgabe zum B2B-Marketing-Kongress 2011, S. 22 – 23 2011, S. 22-23.


Skriptum zur Vorlesung Signalverarbeitung

Knowledge Management Instruments

Peinl, René (2011)

iKnow - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies; 01/2011.
DOI: 10.1145/2024288.2024333

Open Access

This paper is proposing a list of knowledge management instruments based on a thorough literature review considering English and German sources, a strict definition for km instruments and a new categorization scheme that allows identifying potential duplicates or missing pieces.


SimKnowledge – Analyzing Impact of Knowledge Management Measures on Team Organizations with Multi Agent-Based Simulation

Peinl, René; Maier, R. (2011)

Information System Frontiers; 01/2011 13 (5), S. 621-636.
DOI: 10.1007/s10796-010-9241-5

Open Access

Even though there is abundant literature on successful cases of organizations applying knowledge management (KM) measures, many KM initiatives have failed to achieve their knowledge and business goals. In order to foster decisions about the design of such initiatives, information is required on success factors and barriers when selecting KM measures. Multi agent-based simulation (MABS) is suggested as instrument to investigate potential effects of KM measures on dependent variables such as sharing of knowledge in organizations or business performance. For such a simulation, the concept of knowledge sharing, influencing factors and their impact on business and knowledge goals is operationalized in a model based on an extensive multi-disciplinary literature survey. The model is implemented in a MABS tool used for a series of experiments contrasting results with/without KM measures. Skill management is found highly sensitive with respect to conditions of application and has no significant impact on knowledge or business goals. Experience management positively impacts knowledge and business goals. Personal documentation leads to specialist, project debriefings to generalist knowledge workers. Finally, the paper discusses the simulation’s limitations and further areas of application.


Wissensreifung als Analyse- und Kommunikationsinstrument – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Peinl, René (2011)

Professionelles Wissensmanagement - WM 2011; 01/2011.

Open Access

Der vorliegende Beitrag berichtet von den Erfahrungen des Autors in der Verwendung des Wissensreifungsmodells bei der technisch geprägten Wissensmanagement-Beratung, um Vorhaben zu strukturieren, Schwerpunkte zu setzen, Lücken in der technischen Unterstützung der Wissensarbeit zu identifizieren und technische Unterstützung für einzelne Reifungsphasen zu empfehlen. Die Erfahrungen beziehen sich dabei auf die Akzeptanz und Verständlichkeit des Modells selbst, sowie auf die Eignung als Analyserahmen für die Anforderungsanalyse. Insgesamt wurde das Modell sehr gut angenommen und hat sich aufgrund seiner Flexibilität in vielen Fällen bewährt. Es wurde jedoch nicht als selbsterklärend und intuitiv verständlich empfunden.


Unified Information Access

Peinl, René (2011)

Informatik Spektrum 2011 (34), S. 594-597.
DOI: 10.1007/s00287-011-0572-5

Open Access

Access to structured information in DBMS which is usually done using Business Intelligence tools and access to unstructured information in document and content management systems is going to be unified. First steps are already done and more to come soon.


Mehr Innovationskraft durch integrierte IT-Infrastrukturen

Peinl, René (2011)

Dynamisches IT-Management - So steigern Sie die Agilität, Flexibilität und Innovationskraft Ihrer IT, S. 386-408.

Open Access

Korruption im öffentlichen Dienst. Delikte - Prävention - Strafverfolgung

Stark, Carsten (2011)

Korruption im öffentlichen Dienst. Delikte - Prävention - Strafverfolgung. BoD: Norderstedt. 2.Auflage, 2011.

Moralische Korruption. Warum man keinen korrupten Akteur braucht, um Korruption zu klären

Stark, Carsten (2011)

in: Kliesche, Thomas/ Thiel, Stephanie (Hrsg.), Korruption: Forschungsstand, Prävention, Probleme. Papst Science Publishers: Lengerich, S. 197-218.

Peer Reviewed

Fachverlage, eine Branche mit kleinen Reichweiten. Welche Erfolgsstrategien sind online erfolgsversprechend?

Wagener, Andreas (2010)

Paneldiskussion Future Advertising Konferenz 2010, Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, München, 21.10.2010.


Forschung und Entwicklung

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