Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
neue caritas 22/2018, S. S. 9-13.
Fluch oder Segen? Welche Entwicklungen sich mit der Digitalisierung durchsetzen werden, ist schwer vorhersehbar. Aber die digitalen Transformationsprozesse werden vor der Sozialwirtschaft nicht haltmachen. Daher sollte sie die Chancen nutzen und Veränderungen aktiv gestalten.
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Altenheim 12/2018, S. S. 48-51.
Kalysch, Anatoli; Bove, Davide; Müller, Tilo (2018)
ROOTS '18: Proceedings of the 2nd Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium (2), S. S. 1-10.
Android's accessibility API was designed to assist users with disabilities, or preoccupied users unable to interact with a device, e.g., while driving a car. Nowadays, many Android apps rely on the accessibility API for other purposes, including password managers but also malware. From a security perspective, the accessibility API is precarious as it undermines an otherwise strong principle of sandboxing in Android that separates apps. By means of an accessibility service, apps can interact with the UI elements of another app, including reading from its screen and writing to its text fields. As a consequence, design shortcomings in the accessibility API and other UI features such as overlays have grave security implications. We reveal flaws in the accessibility design of Android allowing information leakages and denial of service attacks against fully patched systems. With an enabled accessibility service, we are able to sniff sensitive data from apps, including the password of Android's own lock screen. To evaluate the effectiveness of our attacks against third-party apps, we examined the 1100 most downloaded apps from Google Play and found 99.25 % of them to be vulnerable. Although app-level protection measures against these attacks can be implemented, e.g., to prevent information leakage through password fields, the number of affected apps proves that these kind of vulnerabilities must be tackled by Google rather than app developers. From December 2017 to March 2018, we submitted seven bug reports to Google, from which three have been marked as won't fix while four are progressed but ranked with either low severity or no security bulletin class. We conclude our paper with a list of best practices for app-level protections for the time those bugs remain unfixed by Google.
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Künstliche Intelligenz – aus dem Blickwinkel der Unternehmenspraxis. Im Rahmen des GUS Executive Circle, 27.11.2018, Hamburg.
Rothe, Felix; Husemann, Alexander; Müller, Anke; Kühn, Markus; Dröder, Klaus (2018)
, S. S. 433-444.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03451-1_43
Economically feasible lightweight design represents an important objective for large-scale automobile production. According to the background of a high degree of lightweight design with sufficient cost-effectiveness, hybrid multi-material composites are increasingly getting into the focus of interest. In this case, composites and metals are combined to produce integrated components with optimized properties. These materials allow the creation of customized components. In addition, the component costs can be reduced by component-integrated functions. This reduction also allows a downstream of various process steps. [1] Due to their high lightweight potential, leaf springs offer a good opportunity for weight reduction in the vehicle. In heavy and light commercial vehicles, weight savings of up to 75% can be achieved for the leaf spring through the use of composites in comparison to conventional spring steel …
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Mission Leben.
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Die Vermessung der Bildung – die Konsequenzen von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Datengesellschaft. Im Rahmen des Mobile Learning Days 2018 der FernUniversität Hagen, 15.11.2018, Hagen.
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Blockchain-Technologie kann nicht auf den Märkten für die dezentrale Transaktionsabwicklung genutzt werden. Auch der Rückgriff als Gestaltungselement im politischen System wird diskutiert. Damit verbunden ist aber auch eine Ideologisierung politischer Prozesse.
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Diskussionen über Blockchain kreisen oft um deren „disruptives Potenzial“ im Bereich der Transaktionsabwicklung etwa bei Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin oder bei Smart Contracts. Jenseits dieser ökonomischen Belange könnte die Technologie jedoch auch die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Gegebenheiten auf den Kopf stellen – im Wege einer „Politischen Disruption“.
Schnabel, Tobias (2018)
Porotec Tagung (11/2018), Wiesbaden Niedernhausen, Tagungsbandbeitrag.
Koch, Christoph (2018)
Dissertation, Technische Universität Hamburg.
This thesis develops a value stream method for the analysis and improvement of logistic objectives in a make-to-order production. The central element is the on-site recording of schedule reliability, throughput time and work-in-process. Additionally, the current configuration of the manufacturing control system is inquired and the complete flow of material and information is then charted. The following value stream design contains production planning and production control tasks. Concrete methods for the tasks order release, sequencing and capacity control support this process.
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Falkenreck, Christine (2018)
Wolff, Dietmar (2018)
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Willkommen in der Matrix. Wie KI und Blockchain in der Industrie 4.0 zusammenwachsen. Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe „Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 & das Internet der Dinge“ an der Hochschule Hof, 17.10.2018, Hof.
Wagener, Andreas (2018)
Künstliche Intelligenz - Wie Daten und Algorithmen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft verändern. Im Rahmen der Unternehmertage des VdW Bayern, Verband bayerischer Wohnungsunternehmen e. V., 15.10.2018, Reit im Winkl.
Arnst, Denis; Plenk, Valentin; Wöltche, Adrian (2018)
Proceedings of ICSNC 2018 : The Thirteenth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, S. S. 45-50.
We use an application scenario that collects, transports and stores sensor data in a database. The data is gathered with a high frequency of 1000 datasets per second. In the context of this scenario, we analyze the performance of multiple popular database systems. The benchmark results include the load on the system writing the data and the system running the database.
Lang, Sascha; Plenk, Valentin (2018)
Proceedings of CENTRIC 2018: The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services, S. S. 32-41.
In our previous work, we proposed a system which makes complex production machines more user-friendly by giving the recommendations to the operator. So, we assist the user working with a complex production machine. The recommen- dations are presented like: ”In the last 10 occurrences of this event the operators performed the following keystrokes”. While working on the project, we had problems with retrieving the correct recommendations from our knowledge base. Meanwhile, we gathered more data from our project partners. Now, we dive deeper into this data in order to improve our solutions. This work describes methods to preprocess the data. This preprocessing should help us building up the knowledge base. To achieve this automatically, we do not want to know much about the machine and the production process itself.
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