Thalmann, S.; Peinl, René; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Seeber, Isabella; Maier, R.; Pawlowski, J.; Bick, M. (2012)
Thalmann, S.; Peinl, René; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Seeber, Isabella; Maier, R....
12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (i-KNOW 2012), Graz, Austria; 09/2012
DOI: 10.1145/2362456.2362472
After the hype around Web 2.0, organizations have revisited their efforts on knowledge management in order to create beneficial effects from their employees’ activities in social environments. While there is not much doubt about the positive effects on crea-tivity and flexibility, handling the variety of knowledge work environments that are in use at different organizational units or business partners can negatively affect productivity. While stand-ards have generally mushroomed in the IT domain, there is a lack of standards in knowledge management. This paper argues for a standard on exchanging knowledge between social environments. We revisit related work, particularly standards which can be reused for knowledge exchange, define a set of concepts that help to address the problem of exchanging contextualized knowledge as represented in social environments and present a first step towards formalizing the set of elements in an ontology.
Peinl, René; Thalmann, S.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Seeber, Isabella; Pawlowski, J.; Bick, M.; Maier, R.; Schoop, Eric (2012)
Peinl, René; Thalmann, S.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Seeber, Isabella; Pawlowski, J....
13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain; 09/2012 .
Knowledge management (KM) instruments increasingly utilize social software applications which provide an opportunity to connect human and technology orientation to improve knowledge activities. Social systems, such as wikis, micro-blogs or organizational social networks, support several knowledge purposes, e.g., to create and develop knowledge. Even though knowing the context of knowledge creation is considered beneficial for re-using and developing knowledge, it is currently not well represented in such systems. So far, there is no standard to exchange information between diverse systems. To address this gap, we introduce a specification which allows for an activity stream-oriented perspective on knowledge to represent the creation context of knowledge as well as the exchange of information on knowledge activities between social systems. Our approach is based on existing standards to capture information in KM settings for the main entities knowledge activities, objects, context and people. We suggest extensions to take on the challenge of representing the vast variety of context resulting from the usage of many different kinds of (social) software and services.
Rill, Sven; Adolph, Sven; Drescher, Johannes; Reinel, Dirk; Scheidt, Jörg; Schütz, Oliver; Wogenstein, Florian; Zicari, Roberto V.; Korfiatis, Nikolaos (2012)
Rill, Sven; Adolph, Sven; Drescher, Johannes; Reinel, Dirk; Scheidt, Jörg...
1st Workshop on Practice and Theory of Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis (PATHOS), S. 305-313.
We present a new phrase-based generated list of opinion bearing words and phrases for the German language. The list contains adjectives and nouns as well as adjectiveand noun-based phrases and their opinion values on a continuous range between -1 and +1. For each word or phrase two additional quality measures are given. The list was produced using a large number of product review titles providing a textual assessment and numerical star ratings from As both, review titles and star ratings, can be regarded as a summary of the writers opinion concerning a product, they are strongly correlated. Thus, the opinion value for a given word or phrase is derived from the mean star rating of review titles which contain the word or phrase. The paper describes the calculation of the opinion values and the corrections which were necessary due to the so-called “J-shaped distribution” of online reviews. The opinion values obtained are amazingly accurate.
Wolff, Dietmar (2012)
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege: „Den Wandel steuern. Personal und Finanzen als Erfolgsfaktoren“.
Crnkovic, Paula Manoel ; Koch, Christoph (2012)
Biomass and Bioenergy 44, S. 8-16.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.04.013
Scheidt, Jörg; Koppe, C.; Rill, Sven; Reinel, Dirk; Wogenstein, Florian; Drescher, Johannes (2012)
Scheidt, Jörg; Koppe, C.; Rill, Sven; Reinel, Dirk; Wogenstein, Florian...
International Journal of Biometeorology 57, 4, S. 649-654.
DOI: 10.1007/s00484-012-0582-2
Many factors trigger migraine attacks. Weather is often reported to be one of the most common migraine triggers. However, there is little scientific evidence about the underlying mechanisms and causes. In our pilot study, we used smartphone apps and a web form to collect around 4,700 migraine messages in Germany between June 2011 and February 2012. Taking interdiurnal temperature changes as an indicator for changes in the prevailing meteorological conditions, our analyses were focused on the relationship between temperature changes and the frequency of occurrence of migraine attacks. Linear trends were fitted to the total number of migraine messages with respect to temperature changes. Statistical and systematic errors were estimated. Both increases and decreases in temperature lead to a significant increase in the number of migraine messages. A temperature increase (decrease) of 5 °C resulted in an increase of 19 ± 7 % (24 ± 8 %) in the number of migraine messages.
Rill, Sven; Scheidt, Jörg; Drescher, Johannes; Schütz, Oliver; Reinel, Dirk; Wogenstein, Florian (2012)
Rill, Sven; Scheidt, Jörg; Drescher, Johannes; Schütz, Oliver; Reinel, Dirk...
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) 2012, 7, S. 1-8.
DOI: 10.1145/2346676.2346683
In this paper we present an approach to generate lists of opinion bearing phrases with their opinion values in a continuous range between -- 1 and 1. Opinion phrases that are considered include single adjectives as well as adjective-based phrases with an arbitrary number of words. The opinion values are derived from user review titles and star ratings, as both can be regarded as summaries of the user's opinion about the product under review. Phrases are organized in trees with the opinion bearing adjective as tree root. For trees with missing branches, opinion values then can be calculated using trees with similar branches but different roots. An example list is produced and compared to existing opinion lists.
Drossel, Matthias (2012)
Pflegezeitschrigt 65 (8).
Wagener, Andreas (2012)
Tagungsmoderation – Tagung der Marketingleiter in Publikumsverlagen / Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, Stuttgart, 11.05.2012.
Wagener, Andreas (2012)
Tagung der Marketingleiter in Publikumsverlagen/Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, Stuttgart, 11.05.2012.
Wolff, Dietmar (2012)
GeniAAL leben Forum "Zukunftsmodelle für Wohnen und Gesundheit", Hannover 2012.
Wolff, Dietmar (2012)
SAP-Forum Public Services 2012 Verwaltung Gesundheit Pflege Forschung Lehre, Mannheim 2012.
Wolff, Dietmar (2012)
FINSOZ Forum "Office-Anwendungen in der Sozialwirtschaft", Münster 2012..
Wolff, Dietmar (2012)
GeniAAL leben Forum "Assistenzsysteme in der Pflegewirtschaft", Oldenburg 2012.
Bick, M.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Maier, R.; Pawlowski, J.; Peinl, René; Seeber, Isabella; Schoop, Eric; Thalmann, S. (2012)
Bick, M.; Hetmank, L.; Kruse, P.; Maier, R.; Pawlowski, J.; Peinl, René...
Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2012; 01/2012 .
Knowledge Management [31] is a social activity. More and more organizations use social software as a tool to bridge the gap between technology- and human-oriented KM. In order to create interoperable, transferable solutions, it is necessary to utilize standards. In this paper, we analyze which standards can be applied and which gaps currently exist. We present the concept of knowledge bundles, capturing information on knowledge objects, activities and people as a prerequisite for social-focused KM. Based on our concept and examples, we derive the strong need for standardization in this domain. As a manifesto this paper tries to stimulate discussion and initiating a broad initiative working towards a common standard for the next generation of knowledge management systems. Our manifesto provides with eight recommendations how the KM community should act to address future challenges.
Wagener, Andreas (2011)
Web-TV-Interview von auf der dmexco 2011,, Köln, 21.09.2011.
Wagener, Andreas (2011)
Mailingtage 2011, Nürnberg, 08.06.2011.
Reinel, Dirk; Rill, Sven; Scheidt, Jörg; Wogenstein, Florian (2011)
The First International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management 2011, S. 103-106.
This paper discusses the work in progress of the ”Migraine Radar” project. The purpose of the project is to validate or disprove the assumed correlation between migraine attacks and weather conditions, especially weather changes. There have been various medical studies on this topic, but the correlation could not be proved with sufficient statistical significance so far. Furthermore, the results of some of the studies are contradictory. For this study, data from the microblogging platform Twitter will be analyzed. Twitter messages (”tweets”) announcing currently or recently happened migraine attacks are retrieved using the Twitter API (Search-API, REST-API - Standard APIs provided by Twitter to retrieve tweet and user data). Weather data from weather information services are linked to the tweets, using the location information from Twitter. For the German language area, the results will be compared with the results obtained from a set of migraine announcements collected with the help of a web form in the same period of time. First statistics indicate that the number of migraine attacks announced in Twitter exceeds the number of cases in former classical studies by far. The project offers a wide range of possibilities to analyze Twitter messages with regard to migraine attacks. Beside the main purpose, it is also possible to analyze the distribution of migraine attacks over the weekdays or over the seasons. Furthermore an investigation of the spatial distribution of migraine attacks is possible. Instead of weather data, other information can be linked to the migraine sample as well. One example could be air pollution data.
Wagener, Andreas (2011)
Paneldiskussion SIPA (Special Interest Publisher’s Association) / Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, München, 07.04.2011.
Wagener, Andreas (2011)
media-TREFF. Dialog in der B2B-Kommunikation, Sonderausgabe zum B2B-Marketing-Kongress 2011, S. 22 – 23 2011, S. 22-23.
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