Falkenreck, Christine; Leszcynski, Grzegorz; Zielinski, Marek (2023)
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 39 (3).
Wagener, Andreas (2023)
Institut für innovative Live Kommunikation (ILK) (Hrsg.): LiveCom-LAB Conference Proceedings, 2023, .
DOI: 10.25716/thm-227
Der Artikel widmet sich konzeptionell den Chancen der Live-Kommunikation, die sich durch die Schaffung virtueller Welten und deren Verschmelzen mit der physischen Welt zu einem umspannenden „Metaverse“ ergeben. Ein Schwerpunkt nimmt dabei die Kommunikation via digitale Lebewesen (Virtual Beings) ein. Ziel ist es, anhand von Use-Cases und einer Analyse existierender Instrumente und Plattformen die Handlungsfelder für die Kommunikationspraxis zu ermitteln. Dabei greift der Beitrag auch auf sekundäre Marktdaten aus Asien zurück, wo die Entwicklung bereits deutlich weiter fortgeschritten ist. Nebenvirtuellen Commerce-Umgebungen sind dort von virtuellen Moderatoren begleitete Live-Shopping-Events sehr erfolgreich – was jeweils neue Herausforderungen für die Marketingkommunikation impliziert. Insgesamt dürfte der Schlüssel für den Erfolg der Live-Kommunikation im Metaverse dabei nicht in der Übertragung erprobter physischer Ansätze in die virtuelle Umgebung, sondern in der Entwicklung neuer, systemadäquater Instrumente liegen. Der Beitrag gewährt damit einen ersten Einblick zur Thematik, der Anknüpfungen für vertiefende Analysen ermöglichen soll.
Wagener, Andreas (2023)
Wolff, Dietmar (2023)
BAG Sozialmanagement/Sozialwirtschaft an Hochschulen, Konferenz „Digitalisierung und KI in der Sozialwirtschaft“, Heidenheim an der Brenz 31.03.2023.
Wolff, Dietmar (2023)
7. Ambient Medicine® Forum Pflege im Aufbruch, CARE REGIO, Kempten 24.03.2023.
Heinrich, Maximilian; Herrmann, André; Gradel, Andy; Klemm, Marco; Plessing, Tobias (2023)
Energies 2023, 2888 (16 (6)), S. 1-31.
DOI: 10.3390/en16062888
Wagener, Andreas (2023)
dpr – Digital Publishing Report, Nr. 03/2023, S. 51- 55, https://digital-publishing-report.de/wp-content/uploads/dpr/ausgaben/dpr_Heft03_2023.pdf 2023 (03/2023), S. 51-55.
Wagener, Andreas (2023)
Haufe Neuromarketing-Wissen, 2023, https://www.neuromarketing-wissen.de/artikel/ki-tools-wie-chatgpt-erfolgreich-im-arbeitsalltag-nutzen .
Wagener, Andreas (2023)
Nerdwaerts.de, 13.01.2023, https://nerdwaerts.de/2023/01/virtual-commerce-im-metaverse/ 2023.
Auch wenn bei Meta die Einführung holprig erscheint und Microsoft und andere Firmen ihre Strategien auf den Prüfstand stellen: Das viel diskutierte Metaverse ist schon da – jedenfalls in einzelnen Bereichen, wie etwa bei Events, Messen und Kundenveranstaltungen. Welche Ansätze gibt es? Was ist Erfolg versprechend?
Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon (2023)
Water Science and Technology 2023 / 2 (84), S. 364–373.
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2023.066
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit 2023.
Wolff, Dietmar (2023)
E-HEALTH-COM 2-3/23 2023, S. 67.
Ranzenberger, Thomas; Bocklet, Tobias; Freisinger, Steffen; Frischholz, Lia; Georges, Munir; Peinl, René; Riedhammer, Korbinian; et., al. (2023)
Ranzenberger, Thomas; Bocklet, Tobias; Freisinger, Steffen; Frischholz, Lia...
Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2023 2023.
The usage of e-learning platforms, online lectures and online meetings for academic teaching increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Lecturers created video lectures, screencasts, or audio podcasts for online learning. The Hochschul-Assistenz-System (HAnS) is a learning experience platform that uses machine learning (ML) methods to support students and lecturers in the online learning and teaching processes. HAnS is being developed in multiple iterations as an agile open-source collaborative project supported by multiple universities and partners. This paper presents the current state of the development of HAnS on German video lectures.
Wolff, Dietmar (2023)
TrendGuide Digitale Gesundheit 2023, E-HEALTH-COM 2023, S. 38.
Wolff, Dietmar (2023)
Seniorenwirtschaft - Management und Perspektiven“, Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2023 2023, S. 385-430.
Schiller, Katharina; Adamsky, Florian; Benenson, Zinaida (2023)
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
E-mail phishing attacks are still the number one gateway for attackers. Even when the patch level of a network is up to date, if one employee clicks on a link in a phishing e-mail and enters their credentials on a malicious website or downloads malware, the whole organization might get compromised. Anti-phishing support systems highlight different aspects of an e-mail to help users to detect phishing e-mails. However, little is known about their effectiveness, especially in comparison to each other. This paper presents our experimental design to investigate the efficacy of various support systems. For this purpose, we created a fictional scenario and an interactive tool to display e-mails. In addition, we present our preliminary study with the first results to classify test e-mails in different difficulty levels that serve as a basis for our main study.
Röckl, Jonas; Wagenhäuser, Adam; Müller, Tilo (2023)
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), S. 46-57.
DOI: 10.5220/0011627700003405
Edge computing emerges as a trend, forming a link between the Internet of Things and cloud-based services.
Large-scale edge deployments are already in place today in the context of communication network providers
that offload more and more tasks to the edge to ensure high flexibility and low latencies. By relying on remote
attestation and disk encryption techniques, we design a novel system architecture that protects confidential
data on edge nodes in the case of device theft. Recent vulnerabilities like Ripple20 and Amnesia:33 show the
consequences and costs of critical security bugs stemming from outdated system software. Thus, we design
our system in a way that a node can derive its decryption key if and only if a trusted remote party (e.g., a
network operator) can verify that it is running the latest software. This is a security feature that prevalent
implementations like Linux’s dm-crypt lack. To secure the early-boot communication, we rely on a trusted
execution environment, hardware offloading, and Rust device drivers. We prototype our system on two recent
ARMv8 devices and show that the performance overhead (≈ 2%) and the boot delay (1s) are low. Thus, we
believe that our concept is a meaningful step towards more secure future edge devices.
Meins, Thomas; Trinkwalter, Bernd (2023)
Plastverarbeiter 2023/1-2/74 (74), S. 20-22.
Krieg, David; Sergeieva, Olena; Rennert, Mirko; Nase, Michael (2023)
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 140 (17).
DOI: 10.1002/app.53765
Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) crosslinks under irradiation in the range of up to 250 kGy. Crosslinking leads to better chemical and thermal resistance but causes reduction in mechanical performance. To counter this reduction, compounds of LLDPE with thermoplastic elastomers (TPV) were made. Specimens were irradiated with doses reaching from 99 to 231 kGy. Gel content shows a decrease of around 12% for compounds with 20 wt% of TPV compared to pure LLDPE. It is also found that compounds containing 10 wt% TPV experience a 4% higher gel content than predicted. For higher amounts of TPV elongation at break increases from 689% for pure LLDPE to 769% and tensile strength decreases from 31.9 to 30.5 MPa. Under irradiation, a trend to lower elongations and tensile strengths is observed. Elongation at break decreased around 200% and tensile strength around 5 MPa under irradiation. Thermal analysis of TPV showed that while the melting temperature decreases, its crystallinity first rises for doses up to 165 kGy before decreasing. Infrared spectroscopy was used to identify changes in the chemical structure, where evidence of surface oxidation under irradiation is found for all compounds with LLDPE.
Sack, Anton (2023)
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