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Evaluation of different deep learning approaches for EEG classification

Scharnagl, Bastian; Groth, Christian (2022)

5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I). 2022.

Peer Reviewed

EEG classification is a promising approach to facilitate the life of handicapped people and to generate future human-computer-interfaces. In this paper we want to compare the effectiveness of current state of the art deep learning techniques for EEG classification. Therefore, we applied different approaches on various datasets and did a crosscomparison of the results in order to get more knowledge on the generalization capabilities. Additionally, we created a new EEG dataset and made it available for further research.

Migraine in Adolescents: Comparison of Attack Frequency During School and Vacation Periods

Drescher, Johannes; Gaul, Charly; Kropp, Peter; Siebenhaar, Yannic; Reinel, Dirk...

OBM Neurobiology 2022 6 (3).
DOI: 10.21926/obm.neurobiol.2203131

Open Access Peer Reviewed

This citizen science project CLUE compared the attack frequency between school and vacation periods among adolescents. The data collection process adopted in citizen science projects opens up the possibility of conducting analyses by including a large number of participants over a long period and across different regions. The data on 684 migraine attacks reported by 68 adolescents aged 16 to 19 years were collected using an online platform and smartphone apps. A Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the distributions of the migraine attack frequency during vacation and school periods in two different scenarios. In both scenarios, the attack frequency during school periods was significantly higher than that during vacation periods. The use of web-based data collection has some methodological limitations; however, it enabled the measurement of relative migraine attack frequency in students during vacation and school periods. The higher prevalence of migraine during school periods indicates the requirement of increasing headache awareness among children.


Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN '22)

Atzenbeck, Claus; Rubart, Jessica (2022)

33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'22).
DOI: 10.1145/3538882

Peer Reviewed

Human Factors in Hypertext 2022 (HUMAN'22) is the 5th workshop in this series. It is sponsored by ACM SIGWEB and is associated to the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2022 (HT'22), which takes place between June 28th and July 1st in Barcelona, Spain as a hybrid event. HUMAN'22 takes place on June 28th—the conference's workshop day.

After two years of pandemic-caused virtual workshops, HUMAN'22 is organized as a hybrid event, which is in line with the organization of the main conference. We see this as a chance to allow in-presence meetings while providing remote participants the opportunity to get in touch by low registration costs and a reduced carbon footprint. Today's digital media enables us to communicate over distance or even attend larger meetings online and the Corona pandemic has taught us to use these tools in our daily life. This puts a special focus on the role of hypertext in our communication and information exchange demands, in particular from a human's perspective.


Bildung neu denken: Skills- & Grade-Mix Center

Drossel, Matthias (2022)


Digitalisierung – Roadshow für die Sozialwirtschaft

Wolff, Dietmar; Neeb, Désirée (2022)

SOZIALwirtschaft aktuell 2022 (14), S. 1-3.


Digitalisierung in der Pflege: neue Versorgungsformen – von DiPA über Pflegeberatung, Telemedizin und Telematikinfrastruktur bis hin zur künstlichen Intelligenz

Wolff, Dietmar (2022)

Fachtag DiCariO, Caritas und Diakonie.


Work in Progress: Can Johnny Encrypt E-Mails on Smartphones?

Schiller, Katharina; Adamsky, Florian (2022)

11th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security affiliated with the 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2021), S. 182-193.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10183-0_9

Peer Reviewed

E-mail is nearly 50 years old and is still one of the most used communication protocols nowadays. However, it has no support for End-to-end encryption (E2EE) by default, which makes it inappropriate for sending sensitive information. This is why two e-mail encryption standards have been developed—namely, Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) and OpenPGP. Previous studies found that bad usability of encryption software can lead to software that is incorrectly used or not at all. Both consequences have a fatal impact on users’ security and privacy. In recent years, the number of e-mails that are read and written on mobile devices has increased drastically. In this paper, we conduct to the best of our knowledge, the first usability study of e-mail encryption apps on smartphones. We tested two mobile apps, one uses OpenPGP on Android and one uses S/MIME on iOS. In our usability study, we tested both apps with eleven participants and evaluated the usability with the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Short Version of User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S). Our study shows that both apps have several usability issues which partly led to unencrypted e-mails and participants sending their passphrase instead of their public key.


The headache registry of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG): baseline data of the first 1,351 patients

Ruscheweyh, Ruth; Klonowski, Theresa; Goßrau, Gudrun; Kraya, Torsten; Gaul, Charly...

The Journal of Headache and Pain 2022 23 (74).
DOI: 10.1186/s10194-022-01447-3

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Although good treatment options exist for many headache disorders, not all patients benefit and disability continues to be large. To design strategies for improving headache care, real-world data observing standard care is necessary. Therefore, the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) has established the DMKG Headache Registry. Here we present methods and baseline data.


VANDALIR -- Vulnerability Analyses based on Datalog and LLVM-IR

Schilling, Joschua; Müller, Tilo (2022)

19th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2022) 13358, S. 96–115.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-09484-2_6

Peer Reviewed

Abstract. While modern-day static analysis tools are capable of finding standard vulnerabilities as well as complex patterns, implementing those tools is expensive regarding both development time and runtime performance. During the last years, domain specific languages like Datalog have gained popularity as they simplify the development process of analyses and rule sets dramatically. Similarly, intermediate representations like LLVM-IR are used to facilitate static source code analysis. In this paper, we present VANDALIR, a vulnerability analyzer and detector based on Datalog and LLVM-IR. VANDALIR is a static source code analyzer that allows to define and customize detection rules in a high-level, declarative way. We implement VANDALIR as a comprehensive static analysis tool, aiming to simplify vulnerability detection by a new combination of modern technologies. Besides the novel design of VANDALIR, we present a predefined detection rule set covering stack-based memory corruption, double free and format string vulnerabilities. As we show, our rule set achieves a detection rate of over 90% on test cases from the Juliet Test Suite, outperforming well-established vulnerability scanners such as the Clang Static Analyzer. Furthermore, we evaluated VANDALIR on open source projects and could reproduce existing vulnerabilities as well as identify previously unknown vulnerabilities.


Churn Management und Kundenrückgewinnung mit KI

Wagener, Andreas (2022)

Nerdwä, 29.06.2022,

Open Access

In vielen Branchen gilt immer noch das Paradigma, dass es deutlich kostengünstiger sei, bestehende Kunden zu binden, als neue zu gewinnen. In diesem Kontext kommt einem zielgerichteten, analytischen Churn Management eine besondere Bedeutung zu. KI und Methoden des maschinellen Lernens scheinen dafür wie geschaffen.


Ist die Digitalisierung abgeschlossen?

Schlingensiepen, Jörg; Boos, Franz-Xaver (2022)

Die neue Hochschule, 2022 (3), S. S. 18-21.

KI - Perspektiven: Erfahrungen, good news, Besorgniserregendes und Chancen der Zukunft

Wolff, Dietmar (2022)


Creating Value for Customers and Companies in a Changing World

Johnson, Catherine M.; Wengler, Stefan; Hildmann, Gabriele; Vossebein, Ulrich (2022)

Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute, Jun8-11 2022, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Telematikinfrastruktur in der ambulanten Pflege

Wolff, Dietmar (2022)


Governance of Things: AI & DAOs in Politics - Utopia or Dystopia?

Wagener, Andreas (2022)

Conference Paper: The Royal Anthropological Institute, London: RAI2022: Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society. Panel: P28b: Blockchain Imaginaries: Techno-utopianism, dystopias, and the future-imagining of Web 3.0, 06.06.2022 (englisch), Conference Proceedings: , paper download: .
DOI: 10.57944/1051-129

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Governance of Things: AI & DAOs in Politics - Utopia or Dystopia?

Wagener, Andreas (2022)

Governance of Things: AI & DAOs in Politics - Utopia or Dystopia? Tagung „Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society”, 2022 des Royal Anthropological Institute, London, Panel des King’s College London „P28: Blockchain Imaginaries: Techno-utopianism, dystopias, and the future-imagining of Web 3.0”, 06.06.2022 .

Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Verwaltung

Markus, Heike; Meuche, Thomas (2022)


Dieses Buch bietet ein ganzheitliches Konzept und konkrete Praxisempfehlungen, wie die öffentliche Verwaltung in Deutschland Digitalisierungsprojekte erfolgreich umsetzen kann. Dazu schauen die Autor:innen mit einem 360-Grad-Blick auf die Verwaltungsorganisation und geben konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für Daten- und Prozessmanagement, den Einsatz neuer Technologien, Organisationsstrukturen, Führungskultur und die Qualifizierung von Mitarbeiter:innen. Der technologische Fortschritt schafft die Rahmenbedingungen für die Digitalisierung, doch damit alleine kann die Transformation nicht gelingen. Diese Erfahrung haben viele Organisationen in den letzten Jahren gemacht. Das in diesem Buch dargestellte Digitale Reifegradmodell m² ermöglicht die Ermittlung konkreter Ansatzpunkte für eine digitale Transformation. Es adressiert dabei alle Dimensionen, die auf dem Weg zur digitalen Verwaltung zu berücksichtigen sind, angefangen bei den strategischen Zielen, über die zu ihrer Umsetzung notwendigen Prozesse und Ressourcen, die Organisationsstruktur und -kultur bis hin zur Steuerung. Besonderes Gewicht haben in den Ausführungen die Themen Datenerfassung, -qualität, -schutz und -sicherheit als Kern der gesamten Entwicklung. Neben den Analysen enthält das Buch eine Reihe von Handlungsvorschlägen aus Best-Practice-Projekten aus der Praxis. Diese werden von unseren Gastautor:innen aus Bundes-, Landes- und Kommunaleinrichtungen sowie Universitäten und Unternehmen vorgestellt, die aus der Praxis berichten, wie Hürden bei der Digitalisierung überwunden werden können.

The Effects of Spatial Visualization versus Ranked Lists on Quality, Time Efficiency, and Interaction

Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus; Gross, Tom (2022)

Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'22), S. 132–142.
DOI: 10.1145/3511095.3531286

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Hypertext systems support users in navigating structured data sets and to find relevant information. Various interaction and visualization concepts aim to give users better insight into the data set, by suggesting queries and visualizing elements of interest in a meaningful way. Ranked lists are very common to show some sort of priority, while spatial layouts often help users to trace relations in the data. Only little research has been done in user studies that systematically show and reason about the differences of such spatial layouts and ranked lists. In this paper we report on a systematic comparison of a spatial visualization versus a ranked list layout. For this purpose, we did an between-subject study with 43 participants. One group performed a task with a system providing semantic visualization in 2D, the other group performed the same task with a ranked list. Both interfaces are very similar and only differ in how suggestions are visualized. The results show that users of the spatial layout finished their task in shorter time and have a tendency towards higher satisfaction. At the same time, they had more interactions with the system. Furthermore we discuss some in-depth data of the test sessions, which show that the visualization influences the users’ behavior.


From maintenance in industry to bibliographic data: spatial hypertext as communication medium between user and machine

Roßner, Daniel; Cheong, Jaesook; Atzenbeck, Claus (2022)

Proceedings of the 5 th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN'22), 6, S. 1–6.
DOI: 10.1145/3538882.3542803

Open Access Peer Reviewed

In this paper, we report on a software demonstrator that utilizes a spatial hypertext UI to support knowledge management in the context of maintenance in industry. To demonstrate the flexibility of that approach, we re-use the software to visualize bibliographic data of the Hypertext conference series.


User study on link-service usage and information processing in the context of the World Wide Web

Eidloth, Lisa; Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus (2022)

Proceedings of the 5 th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN'22), 4, S. 1–9.
DOI: 10.1145/3538882.3542802

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Associating information by means of linking it is a universal concept of human thinking, and by constructivist means, a possible way of learning through exploring and constructing individual information spaces related to a topic or cross topics. An application, facilitating and externalizing this activity by enabling users to create individual hyperlinks inside the environment of the Web, is a promising way to satisfy this exploratory use of information. The focus on an augmentative approach by lining hypertext's linking paradigm, in conjunction with the Web's vast amount of information, opens up for a broad spectrum of potential use scenarios. The possibilities reflect potential complexities concerning usability and limitations of usage. Therefore, preliminary and iterative evaluations are indispensable for meeting these challenges. We discuss a preliminary evaluation of usability and user behavior of said application by a conducted study based on cross-sectional quasi experimental design, using a controlled test scenario and collected client side data that serves as basis for interpretation on user behavior. Results indicate a strong habituation to document-centric processing and storing of information, and the tendency for transferring this behavior onto the more versatile linking mechanism introduced by the application. We argue for applying additional supportive features, specific for facilitating the reduction of complexity on user-side, and a longer testing period, in order to gain better insight into the possible overcome of habitual patterns concerning the tested use scenario.


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