Wagener, Andreas (2020)
Ziel des Customer Experience Management ist es, die Bindung des Kunden an den Anbieter zu verstärken. Sämtliche Bereiche der Kundenbeziehung sollen auf ein "positives Erlebnis" ausgerichtet werden. Dem Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) kommt dabei eine wichtige Rolle zu.
Drews, Tom; Molenda, Paul; Oechsle, Oliver; Koller, Jan (2020)
Procedia CIRP 93, S. S. 658-663.
This paper presents an approach for the integration of lean methods and manufacturing process objectives through the usage of a fuzzy logic controller. The fuzzy logic controller comprises twelve common lean methods, three manipulated variables (setup time, error rate and technical availability) and five manufacturing process objectives, which are operationalized through the target variables Every Part Every Interval (EPEI), Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Lead Time (LT), Quality Grade (QG) and Delivery Service (DS). The basic structure of the fuzzy logic controller design and the modeling of the optimization effect on the manufacturing process level is shown.
Molenda, Paul; Mezger, Tizian; Oechsle, Oliver; Koller, Jan; Döpper, Frank (2020)
Procedia CIRP 93, S. S. 664-669.
Order review and release research has brought several different release methods forward to improve the performance of a manufacturing system. Two of the most recognized methods are Workload Control (WLC) and Constant Work-in-Progress (ConWIP). Both depend on a backlog of not yet released orders which is organized in a pre-shop pool. Lately, the sequencing of the backlog has received increasing attention for both methods. Existing research shows the performance-increasing potential of capacity slack-based sequencing rules. This paper analyzes this potential by further developing some of the known rules and applying them to both WLC and ConWIP using a simulating approach.
Puchtler, Pascal; Peinl, René (2020)
KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, S. S. 320-326.
Deep learning is moving more and more from the cloud towards the edge. Therefore, embedded devices are needed that are reasonably cheap, energy-efficient and fast enough. In this paper we evaluate the performance and energy consumption of popular, off-the-shelf commercial devices for deep learning inferencing. We compare the Intel Neural Compute Stick 2, the Google Coral Edge TPU and the Nvidia Jetson Nano with the Raspberry Pi 4 for their suitability as a central controller in an autonomous vehicle for the formula student driverless.
Wolff, Dietmar (2020)
Treasury in Unternehmen der Sozialwirtschaft, S. S. 247-260.
Mit den neuen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen der drei Pflegestärkungsgesetzte (PSG I-III) und dem Bundesteilhabegesetz (BTHG) hat die Bundesregierung in der Legislaturperiode von 2013 bis 2017 für eine Menge Bewegung in der Sozialwirtschaft gesorgt. Mit den neuen Rahmenbedingungen werden die Finanzierungsprozesse der sozialen Dienstleistungen durch die angestrebte Individualisierung der Kernprozesse der Leistungserbringung immer komplexer. Damit steigt zum Einen der Bedarf an einem Finanz- und Finanzrisikomanagement erheblich. Um zum Anderen die Steuerbarkeit und Transparenz, aber auch die effiziente Erbringung dieser dauerhaft zu gewährleisten, bedarf es der Digitalisierung dieser Unterstützungsprozesse. An dieser Stelle kommen die IT-Anbieter und dabei in erster Linie die Software-Anbieter ins Spiel. Ihnen obliegt die Aufgabe, die komplexen Treasury-Prozesse durch entsprechende Software zu digitalisieren und dabei insbesondere das Problem der oftmals heterogenen Datenbasis, der Verteilung der Informationen auf viele, nicht integrierte Softwaresysteme zu lösen. Dieser Beitrag betrachtet die Rolle von IT-Anbieter- und IT-Anwenderverbänden, insbesondere des Fachverbands Informationstechnologie in Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialverwaltung (FINSOZ e.V.), deren Aufgabe in der Interessenvermittlung zwischen Anbietern und Anwendern, aber auch der Standardisierung von Finanzierungssystemen als Basis einer Abwicklung in Softwaresystemen besteht.
Kalysch, Anatoli; Deutel, Mark; Müller, Tilo (2020)
ARES '20: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (32), S. S. 1-6.
Fuzzing is a test method in vulnerability assessments that calls the interfaces of a program in order to find bugs in its input process- ing. Automatically generated inputs, based on a set of templates and randomness, are sent to a program at a high rate, collecting crashes for later investigation. We apply fuzz testing to the inter process communication (IPC) on Android in order to find bugs in the mechanisms how Android apps communicate with each other. The sandboxing principle on Android usually ensures that apps can only communicate to other apps via programmatic interfaces. Unlike traditional operating systems, two Android apps running in the same user context are not able to access the data of each other (security) or quit the other app (safety). Our IPC fuzzer for Android detects the structure of data sent within Intents between apps by disassembling and analyzing an app’s bytecode. It relies on multiple mutation engines for input gen- eration and supports post-mortem analysis for a detailed insight into crashes. We tested 1488 popular apps from the Google Play- Store, enabling us to crash 450 apps with intents that could be sent from any unprivileged app on the same device, thus undermining the safety guarantees given by Android. We show that any installed app on a device could easily crash a series of other apps, effectively rendering them useless. Even worse, we discovered flaws in popular frameworks like Unity, the Google Services API, and the Adjust SDK. Comparing our implementation to previous research shows improvements in the depth and diversity of our detected crashes.
Busch, Marcel; Westphal, Johannes; Müller, Tilo (2020)
WOOT'20: Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Conference on Offensive Technologies (4), S. S. 4.
Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are an essential building block in the security architecture of modern mobile devices. In this paper, we review a TEE implementation, called TrustedCore (TC), that has been used on Huawei phones for several years. We unveil multiple severe design and implementation flaws in the software stack of this TEE, which affect devices including the popular Huawei P9 Lite, released in 2016, and partially the more recent Huawei P20 Lite, released in 2018. First, we reverse-engineer TC's components, their interconnections, and their integration with the Android system, focusing on security aspects. Second, we examine the Trusted Application (TA) loader of the TC platform and reveal multiple design flaws. These flaws allow us to decrypt any TA found on our target devices and, thus, break code confidentiality. Third, we describe the design of Huawei's keystore system, the heart of all services using hardware-backed cryptography. We found severe vulnerabilities in this keystore system and demonstrate the leakage of export-protected keys from the TEE, which considerably weakens full-disk encryption. Fourth, along with these findings, we additionally discovered an exploitable memory corruption within Huawei's keymaster TA, enabling us to execute arbitrary code within the ARM TrustZone at the highest privilege level. The exploit requires us to bypass several mitigation techniques such as stack canaries and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), which are all flawed in this TEE's design. We reported our findings to Huawei in a responsible disclosure procedure and publicly discuss our analyses for the first time in this paper.
Wagener, Andreas (2020)
Auch wenn es viele eigentlich nicht mehr hören können: Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen prägen nach wie vor die öffentliche Diskussion. Zweifelsohne ist darunter auch viel „Buzzword Bingo“ zu finden – man gewinnt ja den Eindruck, dass inzwischen jeder neue Toaster künstlich intelligent ist. Auf der anderen Seite wird das Thema oft als sehr abstrakt begriffen, „echte“ KI erscheint dann noch als wenig konkret und eher als vage „Zukunftsoption“. Jedoch lohnt hier ein tiefergehender Blick. Auch wenn es uns oft nicht bewusst ist: Gerade im Marketing ist KI bereits allgegenwärtig – jedenfalls dann, wenn wir dem allgemeinen Branchenverständnis folgen, wonach wir hierunter die Fähigkeit von Systemen verstehen, eigenständig auch komplexe Aktionen auszuführen und aus deren Ergebnissen „hinzuzulernen“. Ziel ist es, ähnlich wie beim menschlichen Lernen, ausgerichtet an den „gewonnenen Erkenntnissen“, die eigene Verfahrensweise sowie die erzielten Ergebnisse zu optimieren.
Wolff, Dietmar (2020)
CAREkonkret 48/2020, S. S. 4.
Wengler, Stefan (2020)
Profil Magazin August 2020.
Der Umbau des Vertriebs zu einer kunden- und marktorientierten Organisation kostet Kraft. Aber es lohnt sich, ist der Vertriebsexperte Stefan Wengler überzeugt. Ohne moderne Kennzahlensysteme und umfassende Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Datenmanagement und Analyse der sogenannten „Customer Journey“ geht es jedoch nicht.
Atzenbeck, Claus; Roßner, Daniel (2020)
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'20), S. 117–121.
DOI: 10.1145/3372923.3404837
This blue sky paper presents the Thoughts Reflection Machine (TRM) which combines hypertext technologies and intelligent components. Using hypertext, the TRM provides means to its users to express or communicate their thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, the machine suggests relevant information that trigger users' creative thinking. The TRM is an approach towards a tight cooperation between human and machine supporting both in their specific tasks in which they are most excellent in: creative problem solving respective computation of huge data sets.
Herder, Eelco; Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus (2020)
Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer Conference, Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence (UCAI’20).
DOI: 10.18420/muc2020-ws111-343
User behavior and the resulting behavioral data forms the basis of personalized feeds, recommendations and advertisements in social networks such as Facebook. These platforms are now required to provide users with their personal data. However, these dumps with chronological data in different files do not provide users insight in overarching themes and connections in their online behavior. In this paper, we discuss the development and preliminary evaluation of an exploratory interface for visual data exploration. First insights include that the less obvious, more associative and obscure connections are more interesting and relevant to the user than very close semantic or temporal connections.
Riedl, Joachim; Gansser, Oliver; Schäfer, Frank; Wengler, Stefan (2020)
AccessMM Consumer Insights.
Die Corona-Pandemie und die staatlich verhängten Einschränkungen für den Handel und die Privatpersonen in Deutschland haben das Einkaufsverhalten der Konsumenten in den ersten beiden Quartalen 2020 stark beeinflusst. Interessant ist daher die Fragestellung, welche Auswirkungen eine Disruption wie die Pandemie auf einen gesellschaftlichen Megatrend wie „Bio“ hat. Produzenten und Handel sind dabei nicht die Gestalter der Entwicklung, sie müssen sich vielmehr dem Korsett staatlicher Reglementierungen beugen. Demgegenüber sind die Konsumenten trotz Versammlungsverbot, Maskenpflicht und einzelner Geschäftsschließungen in ihren Entscheidungen weitgehend frei geblieben. Die vorliegende Studie stellt damit, im Gegensatz zur vorausgehenden Studie Biohandel 2018, nicht die Händlerpositionierung, sondern die Konsumentenperspektive in den Mittelpunkt. Es wird untersucht, ob sich durch den Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie die Einstellungen der Konsumenten gegenüber Bio gewandelt haben, ob andere Einkaufskriterien an Wichtigkeit gewonnen haben, welche Gründe hierfür genannt werden und wie die Konsumenten ihr Einkaufsverhalten ggf. verändert haben.
Kreidenweis, Helmut; Wolff, Dietmar (2020)
Herder, Eelco; Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus (2020)
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '20), S. 135–136.
DOI: 10.1145/3372923.3404831
Social networks such as Facebook are required to provide users with their personal data. However, these dumps do not provide users insight in overarching themes in their online behavior. In this poster, we discuss the development of Mother, a spatial hypertext system for visual data exploration. First insights include that the less obvious connections are more interesting and relevant to the user than very close semantic or temporal connections.
Gradel, Andy; Honke, Robert; Plessing, Tobias; Heinrich, Maximilian (2020)
Young Academics Conference, Zittau/Görlitz, 2020.
Gradel, Andy; Wünning, Joachim Alfred; Plessing, Tobias; Jess, Andreas (2020)
Wengler, Stefan; Überwimmer, Margarethe; Hautamäki, Pia; Hildmann, Gabriele; Vossebein, Ulrich; Füreder, Robert (2020)
Wengler, Stefan; Überwimmer, Margarethe; Hautamäki, Pia; Hildmann, Gabriele...
Marketing Science & Inspiration 25 (2), S. 40-48.
There has been an increasing discussion around B2B sales and the need for its digital transformation as it may strongly accelerate company's performance. Because sales is an essential element of business growth, it is important to study B2B sales and the level of digital transformation on a country-specific level. For this purpose, we studied the role of digital transformation in three different countries from the sales organization's perspective. Our qualitative preliminary findings show that the European Union's classifications on digitalization of European countries do not correlate with the companies' digital transformation of their sales operations in these countries.
Wengler, Stefan; Hildmann, Gabriele; Vossebein, Ulrich (2020)
Proceedings of the Annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Montpellier, France.
Most companies are working on their digital transformation and thus on their digital transformation of sales. Despite enormous transformation efforts, the positive productivity effects seem to be missing. As this research paper will show, the reasons are given in a limited knowledge about the main success factors of digital transformation as well as a missing understanding of the digital transformation as an evolutionary process. Based on the newly developed market-oriented transformation model, management implications as well as future research directions are derived for a more focused digital transformation process in sales.
Wengler, Stefan; Schelter, Andreas; Zips, Sebastian (2020)
Reihe Praktisches Marketing.
Since the early 2000s, driver assistance systems have been gaining in importance. They are intended to offer drivers both greater safety and greater comfort in the future. Ultimately, all the research and development activities of automotive and technology groups around driver assistance systems are aimed at introducing autonomous vehicles.
Since Waymo's entry into the development of automated vehicles in 2009, as well as the increased emergence of app-based mobility service providers such as Uber, Lyft & Co. in the U.S. in the early 2010s, the pace of development in driver assistance systems has increased massively - and a real competition has developed to bring the first autonomous vehicle to market. But what does the customer say about these developments? To what extent is he ready for these technological innovations or does he even demand autonomous vehicles? Due to the heated media coverage and the euphoric announcements of the automotive and technology companies, the authors of this book have made it their task to bring more realism into the entire discussion. To this end, they trace the line of development of autonomous driving in a historical outline and show, in broad outline, the current state of development as well as isolated visions of the future of the major market players.
However, special attention is paid to the attitudes and preferences of future users with regard to automated or autonomous driving. In addition to taking stock of whether customers want autonomous driving at all, the study examined which benefit components they value most and how the market launch process - taking customer preferences into account - should best be designed. Based on this, a series of suggestions and recommendations for action were developed, with which methods to the speed of adoption and diffusion of autonomous driving can be increased through intelligent activities on the part of the automotive industry.
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