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Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN '19)

Atzenbeck, Claus; Rubart, Jessica (2019)

30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '19).
DOI: 10.1145/3345509

Peer Reviewed

Welcome to the Human Factors in Hypertext 2019 workshop (HUMAN'19) in Hof, Germany, the second workshop of a young series of workshops for the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. It has a strong focus on hypertext users and thus complements the machine analytics research that we experienced in previous conferences. The user-centric view on hypertext not only includes user interfaces and interaction, but also discussions about hypertext application domains. Furthermore, the workshop raises the question of how original hypertext ideas (e.g., Doug Engelbart's "augmenting human intellect" or Frank Halasz' "hypertext as a medium for thinking and communication") can improve today's hypertext systems. Historically, hypertext research strongly connects to human factors. Hypertext pioneers, such as Doug Engelbart or Ted Nelson, focused on the usage of and interaction with hypertext. This workshop combines original hypertext research ideas with recent hypertext research trends. In addition, it consolidates different hypertext research areas from the viewpoint of human factors. Thus, HUMAN'19 fosters cross-cutting discussions and the development of new ideas.


Digitale Transformation im Mittelstand – Market Intelligence als Grundpfeiler eines erfolgreichen Vertriebs

Wengler, Stefan; Hildmann, Gabriele; Vossebein, Ulrich (2019)

Informatik Aktuell.

Open Access

Erfolg wird sich in der Digitalen Transformation nicht von allein einstellen, sondern hängt vor allem von der intelligenten Ausgestaltung einiger weniger Kernaspekte ab. Dies ist bereits durch die ersten beiden Artikel zur "Digitalen Transformation im Mittelstand" deutlich geworden, in denen den Faktoren "Mensch" und "Prozess" eine herausragende Bedeutung zugesprochen wurden. Den Grundpfeiler einer erfolgreichen Digitalen Transformation werden jedoch noch sehr viel mehr als bisher die dem Unternehmen zur Verfügung stehenden "Daten" bilden, die im Zentrum dieses dritten und abschließenden Teils der Artikelserie stehen.

Impulsvortrag Digitalisierung

Wolff, Dietmar (2019)


Hypertext as Method

Atzenbeck, Claus; Nürnberg, Peter (2019)

Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '19), S. 29–38.
DOI: 10.1145/3342220.3343669

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Historically, there has been a tendency to consider hypertext as a type of system, perhaps characterized by provision of links or other structure to users. In this paper, we consider hypertext as a method of inquiry, a way of viewing arbitrary systems. In this view, what are traditionally called "navigational hypertext systems" might be considered as information retrieval systems, "spatial hypertext systems" as brainstorming systems, etc., while their "hypertext" nature results from the way in which such systems are conceived, developed, and/or presented. The benefit of such a shift is the ability to apply this hypertextual method of inquiry to systems not normally considered part of the hypertext community. In this paper, we specifically apply this view to artificial intelligence, and examine how this application can be productive.


Visualization of the Relevance: Using Physics Simulations for Encoding Context

Roßner, Daniel; Atzenbeck, Claus; Gross, Tom (2019)

Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT'19), S. 67–76.
DOI: 10.1145/3342220.3343659

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The task of organizing and retrieving knowledge is often elaborative and involves different types of media including digital or analog. In this paper we describe a system that is based on related research in the fields of spatial hypertext, information retrieval, and visualization. It utilizes a 2D space on which users can add, remove, or manipulate information entities (so-called user nodes) visually. A spatial parser recognizes the evolving structure and queries a knowledge base for helpful other information entities (so-called suggestions nodes). Similar to user nodes, those suggestions are presented as visual objects in the space. We propose a physics model to simulate their behavior. Their characteristics encode the relevance of suggestions to user nodes and to each other. This enables human recipients to interpret the given visual clues and, thus, identify information of interest. The way users organize nodes spatially influences the parsed spatial structures, i.e., the placement of suggestion nodes. This allows the creation of complex queries without any prior knowledge, yet the users do not have to be aware of that, because they can express their thoughts implicitly by manipulating their nodes. We discuss the strengths of a physics based simulation to encode context visually and point to open issues and potential solutions. On the basis of an implemented demonstrator we show the benefits compared to similar and related applications in the field of information visualization, especially when it comes to tasks where a high portion of creativity is involved and the information space is not well known.


Intelligent Hypertext for Video Selection: A Design Approach

Purucker, Susanne; Atzenbeck, Claus; Roßner, Daniel (2019)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN '19), S. 19–26.
DOI: 10.1145/3345509.3349279

Open Access Peer Reviewed

In this paper, we describe our project DemoMedia, a software demonstrator that combines hypertext and recommender functionality in the context of video acquisition or use. DemoMedia fills the gap that exists in today's video platforms which include recommender functionalities, but only trivial support for users to structure information. Thus, users are forced to write down notes from or about videos (needed for various reasons) on additional media, such as paper. This opens a media gap between video platform and note-taking or communication to others. DemoMedia becomes a note taking and communication tool for the user, as it offers a knowledge space on which users can freely arrange and associate information. Furthermore, its intelligent parsers compute relations that are implicitly expressed and queries knowledge bases for relevant information or related videos. Those get positioned on the space in a semantically meaningful way. DemoMedia and the underlying component-based open hypermedia system Mother combine both the machine's capability of extracting knowledge from huge amounts of data and the human capability of sensemaking, intuition, and creativity.


Comparative Evaluation of Database Read and Write Performance in an Internet of Things Context

Plenk, Valentin; Arnst, Denis; Herpich, Thomas; Wöltche, Adrian (2019)

International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology 12 (1), S. S. 37-49.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), there is the need to manage huge amounts of time series sensor data, if high frequency device monitoring and predictive analytics are targeted for improving the overall process quality in production or supervision of quality management. The key challenge here is to be able to collect, transport, store and retrieve such high frequency data from multiple sensors with minimum resource usage, as this allows to scale such systems with low costs. For evaluating the performance impact of such an IoT scenario, we produce 1000 datasets per second for five sensors. We send them to three different types of popular database management systems (i.e., MariaDB, MongoDB and InfluxDB) and measure the resource impacts of the writing and reading operations over the whole processing pipeline. These measurements are CPU usage, network usage, disk performance and usage, and memory usage results plus a comparison of the difficulty for the developers to engineer such a processing pipeline. In the end, we have a recommendation depending on the needs, which database management system is best suited for processing high frequency sensor data in an IoT context.


Methodology for the visualization, analysis and assessment of information processes in manufacturing companies

Molenda, Paul; Jugenheimer, Andreas; Haefner, Christopher; Karat, Rahul (2019)

Procedia CIRP 84, S. S. 5-10.

Peer Reviewed

In addition to the volatility of the market demand and shorter product lifecycles, nowadays manufacturing companies have to deal with another market dimension, namely the digitization in context of Industry 4.0. This also offers a huge potential to handle internal and external constraints, such as globalization, customization and flexibility. In this context, the following paper presents a methodology to visualize and analyze the information processes along a company’s internal value chain. This enables the holistic identification and assessment of information processes and offers a basis for target-oriented need for action with a qualitative and quantitative analysis to achieve a sustainable competitiveness. Based on the results of the analysis, selected optimization actions can be applied more effectively. The application of the developed methodology is demonstrated in a use case within a manufacturing company.

Analyzing Android’s File-Based Encryption

Groß, Tobias; Ahmadova, Matanat; Müller, Tilo (2019)

ARES '19: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (47), S. S. 1-7.

Peer Reviewed

We investigate the amount of information leakage through unencrypted metadata in Android's file-based encryption (FBE) which was introduced as an alternative to the previously dominating full-disk encryption (FDE) in Android 7.0. We propose a generic method, and provide appropriate tooling, to reconstruct forensic events on Android smartphones encrypted with FBE. Based on a dataset of 3903 applications, we show that metadata of files can be used to reconstruct the name, version and installation date of all installed apps. Furthermore, we show that, depending on a specific app, information leakages through metadata can even be used to reconstruct a user's behavior. For the example of WhatsApp, we show that the point of time a user sent or received her last message can be traced back even though the phone was encrypted. Our approach requires access to the raw data of an encrypted disk only but does not require access to a powered-on device or the bootloader, such as known attacks against FDE including cold boot and evil maid. We conclude that FBE is significantly more insecure than FDE and was presumably elected for usability reasons like direct boot.

Leben in der Matrix: Von Cyborgs, alternativen Realitäten und der Abschaffung des Menschen

Wagener, Andreas (2019)

Leben in der Matrix: Von Cyborgs, alternativen Realitäten und der Abschaffung des Menschen, Amberg, 17.08.2019.

Compliance in Hochschulen. Risikomanagement im Wissenschaftsbetrieb

Weber, Beatrix; Lejeune, Stefanie (2019)

ZRFC 04/2019, S. S. 151-156.


Ist Compliance als Einhaltung von Recht und Gesetz für staatliche Hochschulen als Behörden und Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts eine Selbstverständlichkeit? Überf lüssig? Oder bedarf es Nachdenkens über Compliance in Bezug auf Handeln und Strukturen der Hochschulen im Sinne eines adäquaten Wissenschaftsmanagements? Im modernen Wissenschaftsbetrieb tritt das verwaltungsmäßige Handeln immer mehr in den Hintergrund zugunsten des Agierens auf dem Markt von Forschungsleistungen und der Weiterbildung. Im Spannungsfeld der institutionellen Selbstverwaltung mit Freiheit von Forschung und Lehre und der unternehmerischen Hochschule mit hochschulübergreifenden Zielen wie Open Access, hohen Drittmittelquoten und Forschungsclustern auf dem Markt der Forschungsdienstleistungen entstehen rechtliche Risiken, denen mit dem althergebrachten Verwaltungshandeln, das das Eingehen von Risiken insgesamt scheut, nicht begegnet werden kann.


Compliance in Hochschulen

Weber, Beatrix; Lejeune, Stefanie (2019)

Open Access

Hochschulen machen sich heute auf den Weg von klassischen Verwaltungseinheiten zu modernen Wissenschaftsbetrieben mit unternehmerischen Akzenten, um im internationalen Wettbewerb um Studierende und Forschungsmittel zu bestehen oder sich neuen Forschungsfeldern zu öffnen. Allerdings setzen ihnen die grundrechtlich gesicherte Wissenschaftsfreiheit, die gesetzlichen Vorgaben sowie der gesellschaftspolitische Auftrag beim Eingehen unternehmerischer Risiken enge Grenzen. Wie der Aufbau eines wissenschaftsadäquaten Compliance-Managements gelingt, das die Einhaltung rechtlicher Pflichten, die organisatorische Effizienz und die Kommunikation aller Beteiligten verbessert, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Ziele und Herausforderungen von Compliance-Management-Systemen (CMS) an Universitäten, Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen Prüfungsstandards für ein CMS, u.a. nach IDW PS 980 oder ISO 19600 Hochschulgerechte Compliance-Risikoanalyse: Risikoidentifizierung, Risikobewertung, Steuerung und Kontrolle, mit Checkliste Compliance-Funktionen: organschaftliche und persönliche Verantwortlichkeiten Compliance-Maßnahmen: personell, organisatorisch und regulativ Spezifische Compliance-Bereiche: eCompliance, Datenschutz, Wissens- und Technologietransfer, Personal-Compliance, Korruptionsprävention Ein Muss für alle, die in Universitäten, Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen mit Fragen zu Recht, Compliance, Datenschutz, Korruptionsprävention, Personal, Technologietransfer, Prozessorganisation und der strategischen Ausrichtung der Hochschule befasst sind.


Erst das Haus – und dann noch der Maler.

Wagener, Andreas (2019)

Erst das Haus – und dann noch der Maler. Mit Florian Christner (2019). In: Profil – Das bayerische Genossenschaftsblatt. 07/19,

Open Access

Evaluating Spread of 'Gasless Send' in Ethereum Smart Contracts

Prechtel, David; Groß, Tobias; Müller, Tilo (2019)

2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS).

Peer Reviewed

We present an approach for analyzing Ethereum smart contracts regarding to the issue of `gasless send' [1, p. 8]. Gasless send is about contracts which lose the ability to receive Ether due to gas depletion when executing the contract's fallback function. Our approach is based on the security analysis tool Mythril which is a framework for analyzing security issues in Ethereum smart contracts. Mythril's analysis engine is based on symbolic code execution and features different analyses for security vulnerabilities in smart contracts. We upgraded the analysis engine in order to model the gas usage of Ethereum smart contracts during execution. In order to utilize the newly acquired data, we added an analysis module to detect fallback functions, whose execution may exceed the defined threshold of gas. Our analysis of 167,698 smart contracts currently deployed to the live Ethereum network shows that a total of 96.3 thousand (or 57%) might be affected by the issue of gasless send.

Nations Divided and the Moderating State

Stark, Carsten (2019)



The focus of this book is on the cultural division of modern Western societies. This division is deep and affects many societal areas. The cultural division was not produced by the Internet, it is simply made visible by the Internet. While the mass of non-voters was of little interest in the past, it is now becoming a problem. Political elites have mixed up lack of participation with lack of interest. The negotiating state, which conducts expert discussions in backrooms, is overtaxed with this situation. The progressive-liberal society is only conceivable as a democracy, and democracy can only be protected from the demagogy of the permanent campaigners when the state creates new institutions to this end and rethinks its role. The answer can only be: more democracy, more participation and less exclusion through expert knowledge. Above all, the liberal elites must throw their truth ideology overboard and seriously devote themselves to the social inclusion of the population.


KI: Methoden und Anwendungsgebiete im Marketing.

Wagener, Andreas (2019)


Open Access

Künstliche Intelligenz gilt als das große „Buzzword“ unserer Tage. Insbesondere im Marketing wird der Technologie ein enormes Potenzial zugeschrieben. Dabei besteht eigentlich bis heute kein Konsens darüber, was nun genau unter KI zu verstehen ist. Eine einheitliche Definition existiert nicht. Allerdings gibt es beim Verständnis von KI so etwas wie einen „gemeinsamen Nenner“. Der Aspekt, bei dem sich alle einig darüber sind, dass es sich hierbei um etwas „künstlich Intelligentes“ handeln muss, ist der, wenn wir von der Lernfähigkeit eines Systems sprechen.


Comparison of Design Approaches to Generate Tools for a Forming Process with a Six Degree of Freedom Press

Wonnenberg, Birk; Müller, Anke; Dröder, Klaus (2019)

AIP Conference Proceedings 2113 (1).

Open Access

Tool design for multi-axis forming presses is a particular challenge. In this forming process, the material flow can be controlled with the help of the tool motion path. The multi-axis forming tools used for this purpose differ from linear pressing tools, which are narrowly defined by the workpiece geometry. These multi-axial tools also differ from incremental sheet forming tools, which have a universal tool and form the workpiece geometry by a complex tool motion path. The design of tools for multi-axial forming presses has to take both, the workpiece geometry and the tool motion path, into account. The investigated tool designs base on ‘point-‘, ‘line-‘ and ‘area-wise’ approaches to generate the shape of the mold from the workpiece geometry. In ‘point-wise’ approach, the surface of the workpiece is tessellated and transformed to the tool surface by using base layers depending on the tool motion path. In ‘line-wise’ approach, intersecting lines between workpiece and datum planes perpendicular to toolpath are transformed to a tool base geometry generating a mold’s surface. In ‘area-wise’ approach, the geometry is generated by moving the workpiece along an inverted tool path and shaping the surface of a generic tool with Boolean operations. By benchmarking all approaches to a known ideal tool geometry, the effort and the quality of the resulting tool surface can be evaluated. For unknown tool geometries the approaches were applied in two steps. In the first step a tool geometry can be generated with a nominal workpiece and in a second step a virtual workpiece with the tool. The virtual workpieces of all approach combinations were compared to the nominal workpiece. Finally, the tool design approaches, the results of the deviation between the virtual and the nominal workpiece geometry as well as the evaluation method are discussed.


Nutzen der Digitalisierung für Pflegefachkräfte – Best Practice vs. Zukunftstrends

Wolff, Dietmar (2019)


Untersuchung des sozialen, beruflichen und gesundheitlichen Erlebens von Pflegekräften in stationären Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen – Eine qualitative Analyse

Drossel, Matthias (2019)

Heilberufe Science.
DOI: 10.1007/s16024-019-0327-9

Peer Reviewed

Konzepte und Paradigmen im operativen, strategischen und gesellschaftlichen Zeitmanagement

Darr, Willi (2019)


Der Gegenstand dieses Buches ist eine fachspezifische betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussion zu den Konzepten und Paradigmen des Zeitmanagements. Bezogen auf die Zeit lautet das Paradigma, dass die »Beschleunigung« die einzige Richtung ist, die dem Zeitmanagement zugrunde liegt. Es scheint eine Art Einbahnstraße zu sein. D.h., immer schneller bedeutet immer erfolgreicher. Es werden in diesem Buch drei spezielle Kategorien des Zeitmanagements und ihrer jeweiligen Paradigmen erörtert, d.h. den operativen, den strategischen und den gesellschaftlichen Wert der Verkürzung der Zeit.

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