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Advanced Modelling of Solar Energy Based Ice Storage Systems

Glasswala, Vivek ; Gradel, Andy; Sharma, Tushar; Carbonell, Daniel...


Solar World Congress 2023, Neu Delhi, Indien 

Die ziehende Werkstatt – mit Conwip auch bei komplexen Materialflüssen zu kurzen Durchlaufzeiten

Koch, Christoph (2023)

Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 118 (11).

Innovationen in der Gesundheitsversorgung - Kapitel: Technologieeinsatz im Homecare-Bereich

Drossel, Matthias (2023)

Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2023.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41681-2


Safeguarding Data from Deprecated System Software: A Resilient Boot Architecture for Edge Devices Leveraging TEEs

Röckl, Jonas; Schulze, Matti; Funk, Julian; Bernsdorf, Nils; Müller, Tilo (2023)

Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 2023-2024.

Peer Reviewed

Edge computing is becoming increasingly popular as it provides a connection between the Internet of Things and cloud-backed services. Communication network providers have already implemented global edge deployments to ensure low latencies and high flexibility for their customers and sensitive data is both processed and stored on edge nodes. Although physical attacks are a realistic scenario for edge devices due to the geographic dispersion of the devices, they are seldom addressed so far. To this end, we present a novel system architecture that safeguards confidential data on future edge nodes in the event of device theft. Learning from techniques used by law enforcement agencies to extract data from modern smartphones, we identify a correlation between outdated and potentially vulnerable system software and the likelihood of a successful physical attack. For this reason, we propose an architecture that allows a device to derive the disk decryption key only after a trusted remote party like the network operator confirms that the device is running the most up-to-date firmware and operating system. This is a security feature that is absent in commonly used implementations such as Linux’s dm-crypt or Microsoft’s BitLocker. We prototype our system on a real ARM device and show that it has a runtime overhead of less than 5% and a boot delay lower than a second, while we only add 3% of unverified code to the trusted computing base. Therefore, we believe our system is an important advancement for achieving resilient edge devices.

Potentiale digitaler Technologien und KI in der Pflege

Wolff, Dietmar (2023)

Vortrag Kongress TAO Themenjahr Gesundheit, Hof 20.10.2023.


Open source map matching with Markov decision processes: A new method and a detailed benchmark with existing approaches

Wöltche, Adrian (2023)

Transactions in GIS.
DOI: 10.1111/tgis.13107

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Map matching is a widely used technology for mapping tracks to road networks. Typically, tracks are recorded using publicly available Global Navigation Satellite Systems, and road networks are derived from the publicly available OpenStreetMap project. The challenge lies in resolving the discrepancies between the spatial location of the tracks and the underlying road network of the map. Map matching is a combination of defined models, algorithms, and metrics for resolving these differences that result from measurement and map errors. The goal is to find routes within the road network that best represent the given tracks. These matches allow further analysis since they are freed from the noise of the original track, they accurately overlap with the road network, and they are corrected for impossible detours and gaps that were present in the original track. Given the ongoing need for map matching in mobility research, in this work, we present a novel map matching method based on Markov decision processes with Reinforcement Learning algorithms. We introduce the new Candidate Adoption feature, which allows our model to dynamically resolve outliers and noise clusters. We also incorporate an improved Trajectory Simplification preprocessing algorithm for further improving our performance. In addition, we introduce a new map matching metric that evaluates direction changes in the routes, which effectively reduces detours and round trips in the results. We provide our map matching implementation as Open Source Software (OSS) and compare our new approach with multiple existing OSS solutions on several public data sets. Our novel method is more robust to noise and outliers than existing methods and it outperforms them in terms of accuracy and computational speed.


Additive Free Crosslinking of Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate via Electron Beam Irradiation at Elevated Temperatures

Krieg, David; Rennert, Mirko (2023)

Polymers 2023.
DOI: 10.3390/polym15204072

Open Access

When applying electron or gamma irradiation to poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB), main chain scissions are the dominant material reactions. Though propositions have been made that crosslinking in the amorphous phase of P3HB occurs under irradiation, a conclusive method to achieve controlled additive free irradiation crosslinking has not been shown and no mechanism has been derived to the best of our knowledge. By applying irradiation in a molten state at 195 °C and doses above 200 kGy, we were able to initiate crosslink reactions and achieved gel formation of up to 16%. The gel dose Dgel was determined to be 200 kGy and a range of the G values, the number of scissions and crosslinks for 100 eV energy deposition, is given. Rheology measurements, as well as size exclusion chromatography (SEC), showed indications for branching at doses from 100 to 250 kGy. Thermal analysis showed the development of a bimodal peak with a decrease in the peak melt temperature and an increase in peak width. In combination with an increase in the thermal degradation temperature for a dose of 200 kGy compared to 100 kGy, thermal analysis also showed phenomena attributed to branching and crosslinking.


Triptan non-response in specialized headache care: cross-sectional data from the DMKG Headache Registry

Ruscheweyh, Ruth; Goßrau, Gudrun; Dresler, Thomas; Freilinger, Tobias...

The Journal of Headache and Pain 24, 135.
DOI: 10.1186/s10194-023-01676-0

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Background Triptans are effective for many migraine patients, but some do not experience adequate efficacy
and tolerability. The European Headache Federation (EHF) has proposed that patients with lack of efficacy and/or tolerability
of ≥ 2 triptans (‘triptan resistance’) could be considered eligible for treatment with the novel medications
from the ditan and gepant groups. There is little data on the frequency of ‘triptan resistance’.
Methods We used patient self-report data from the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) Headache
Registry to assess triptan response and triptan efficacy and/or tolerability failure.
Results A total of 2284 adult migraine patients (females: 85.4%, age: 39.4 ± 12.8 years) were included. 42.5% (n = 970)
had failed ≥ 1 triptan, 13.1% (n = 300) had failed ≥ 2 triptans (meeting the EHF definition of ‘triptan resistance’),
and 3.9% (n = 88) had failed ≥ 3 triptans. Compared to triptan responders (current use, no failure, n = 597), triptan
non-responders had significantly more severe migraine (higher frequency (p < 0.001), intensity (p < 0.05), and disability
(p < 0.001)), that further increased with the level of triptan failure. Responders rates were highest for nasal and oral
zolmitriptan, oral eletriptan and subcutaneous sumatriptan.
Conclusion In the present setting (specialized headache care in Germany), 13.1% of the patients had failed ≥ 2
triptans. Triptan failure was associated with increased migraine severity and disability, emphasizing the importance
of establishing an effective and tolerable acute migraine medication. Acute treatment optimization might include
switching to one of the triptans with the highest responder rates and/or to a different acute medication class.
Trial registration The DMKG Headache Registry is registered with the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS


Wasserstoff aus biogenen Reststoffen

Gradel, Andy (2023)


5. Praxistagung "Wasserstoff aus Biomasse und Biogas", Krefeld

Telepflege – ein weiterer Meilenstein

Wolff, Dietmar (2023)

care konkret 2023 (40), S. 2.


Comparison of the properties of biogenic wine by-products stabilized biocomposites compounded with a miniaturized single-screw extruder and a co-rotating twin-screw extruder

Hiller, Benedikt; Rennert, Mirko; Nase, Michael (2023)

60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (dbt).

Feedback Loops and Mutual Reinforcement in Personalized Interaction

Herder, Eelco; Atzenbeck, Claus (2023)

Personalized Human-Computer Interaction 2023, 7, S. 153–172.
DOI: 10.1515/9783110988567-007

Peer Reviewed

In personalized interaction between humans and computers, not only computers and personalization algorithms learn about the users: the users also learn about the system’s behavior and adapt their expectations accordingly. Particularly, as users expect systems to support their daily activities, this feedback loop may result in long-term changes in these daily activities and user decisions themselves. This can be observed in activities as different as autonomous driving and social media consumption. In this chapter, we investigate these effects by reviewing and analyzing a wide range of relevant literature.


Mit Sicherheit mehr Wissen – wie Daten uns helfen können, das Studium zu verbessern – Ein Beispiel aus der Hochschule Hof

Linß, Marco; Müller, Anke; Kaluza, Anke; Miller, Stefan (2023)

5. TAGUNGSBAND MINT SYMPOSTIUM 2023, MINT-Lehre gemeinsam gestalten – Lehre erforschen, Wissen teilen 2023, S. 150-158.
DOI: 10.57825/repo_in-4410

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Der Beitrag beruht auf den fast 10-jährigen Erfahrungen im Rahmen von drei Förderprojekten des Freistaats Bayern. An der Hochschule Hof wurden, u. a. auf Basis einer entwickelten MINT-Datenbank und deren Analysen, zahlreiche Maßnahmen abgeleitet, durchgeführt und evaluiert. Basierend darauf wurde im letzten WiSe ein neues, modulares Studiengangkonzept im Bereich der Ingenieurwissenschaften eingeführt. Als wesentliche Erkenntnisse lassen sich folgende Aussagen festhalten: • Eingangsprüfungen verbessern die Studienerfolgsquote • ca. 10% einer Kohorte wollen gar nicht studieren • NotenMonitoringProgramme sind ein wichtiger Baustein für die Studienberatung bzw. den Studienerfolg • Notenanrechnung braucht definierte Rahmenbedingungen • Tutorien sind erst bei einer Teilnahme > 60% richtig wirksam • Prognosen zum Studienerfolg sind anhand der Hochschulzugangsberechtigungsnote bzw. anhand dem Studierverhalten im ersten Semester möglich • der wichtigste Faktor für den Studienerfolg ist die/der Studierende selbst


Fragen der Lernbegleitung im Hinblick auf Care Migration und Skill-and-Grade-Mix

Drossel, Matthias (2023)

HPS Media - Lernwelten.

Peer Reviewed

Erfolgsfaktor Interdisziplinarität: das Lehrformat Digitalisierungskollegs an Bayerischen Hochschulen

Dieckhoff, Christina; Barlieb, Christophe; Groth, Christian; Linner, Thomas...

GI Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) II-WS2023 2023.

Peer Reviewed

Um den zunehmenden Anforderungen an die Beherrschung digitaler Techniken und an die Fähigkeit zur interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit an Studierende aller Fach­richtungen zu begegnen wurde das interdisziplinäre Lehrformat Digitalisie­rungs­­kollegs für Studierende entwickelt. Das in vielen Fachbereichen ausbaufähige Angebot von Digitalthemen in der Hoch­schullehre wird hiermit dauerhaft erwei­tert. Ein Digitalisierungskolleg besteht aus einer Vorlesungs­reihe mit an­gren­zen­dem Seminar, in denen Studierende interdisziplinäre Lösungen für Fragen der digitalen Transformation entwickeln. Geleitet werden sie von etablierten Wissen­schaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, aktiv betreut und ausge­staltet von ein bis zwei Coaches. Kernelement sowohl des Kollegs als auch der einzelnen Projekte ist die Interdisziplinarität. Eine*r der beteiligten Projekt­leiter*innen hat einen direkten Bezug zur Technik und kommt aus der Informatik, der Wirtschafts­informatik, der Elektro­technik oder vergleichbaren Disziplinen. Zielgruppe der Projekte sind Studierende verschiedener Disziplinen im Masterstudium oder in den letzten Semestern eines Bachelorstudiums. Durch die Teilnahme er­werben auch Studie­ren­de aus digitali­­sie­rungs­fernen Fächern frühzeitig umfang­reiche IT-Kenntnisse. Als Be­gleiteffekt der um­fang­reichen Vernetzung zwischen den Digi­talisierungs­kollegs (Studierende, Coaches und Projektleitende) entsteht bereits zu Beginn einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere eine große digitale Community. Alle Teil­nehmenden lernen frühzeitig die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und ver­bessern erheblich ihre Karriere­chancen inner­­halb und außer­halb der Wissenschaft.

Change of perspectives – How rivers are effectively incorporated into sponge city concepts using Multi-Level-Analysis (MLA)

Müller-Czygan, Günter (2023)

Vortrag 13th Water Research Horizon Conference, 26./27. September 2023 in Freiburg.

Peer Reviewed

Was hat meine Krankenkassenkarte mit der digitalen Revolution im Gesundheitswesen zu tun?

Wolff, Dietmar (2023)

Themenabend TAO Themenjahr Gesundheit, Hof 26.09.2023.


Preliminary studies of measuring skateboarding forces by combining inertial sensors and camera-based pose estimation.

Zöllner, Michael; Krause, Moritz (2023)

iWOAR 2023 - 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.
DOI: 10.1145/3615834.3615856

Peer Reviewed

Understanding acceleration forces and making progress in learning Skateboarding is a process of trial and error. In our paper we are describing our preliminary experiments for describing the complex interactions while pushing for speed in ramps and pump tracks. Therefore, we capture and visualize the body movement, the joint relations from hip to ankle and the resulting forces by joining iner- tial sensors on the skateboard and camera-based machine learning pose estimation of the athlete.


HomeGrid - Experimental Displays for SmartHome Devices and Interfaces

Krause, Moritz; Zöllner, Michael (2023)

iWOAR 2023 - 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.
DOI: 10.1145/3615834.3615850

Peer Reviewed

In our society, displays are becoming increasingly prevalent. While it is nearly inconceivable to imagine a daily life without screens, scientific research indicates that our mental well-being is nega- tively affected by the increasing use and time spent on screens. The "HomeGrid" project has been developed as a smart home concept, aiming to explore how traditional screens in private environments can be reduced while still effectively conveying information in an intuitive manner. To achieve this, two main approaches were em- ployed. Firstly, experimentation was conducted on the capture and communication of artificial light, and secondly, precise monitoring and visualization of indoor air quality were explored. These factors are fundamental indicators of both our mental and physical well- being, as high air quality, for example, enhances concentration, and light serves as a crucial regulator of our circadian rhythm.


Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext (HUMAN'23)

Rubart, Jessica; Atzenbeck, Claus (2023)

34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media.
DOI: 10.1145/3603607

Peer Reviewed

Forschung und Entwicklung

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof

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